Let's face it (wink) - the term beauty has a great deal of charge to it. We’ve been indoctrinated from too early an age of what beauty is "supposed" to look like. This messaging came from our parents and the culture of our heritage, the media, the maya of celebrity, and all the experiences we've had from the schoolyard to the corporate boardroom and even the bedroom where this has been reinforced.
Read MoreNeroli to Awaken the Mystical Heart
Neroli’s bright aroma lifts the spirit and speaks to the remembrance of joy and lightheartedness. Neroli is highly beneficial for those who tend to be harsh and critical of themselves and can assist in shifting this energy to that of self-love and compassion. This oil assists in dissolving extreme emotions like jealousy, anger, and self-hatred. It aids in settling shock and counterbalancing PTSD.
Read MoreForgiveness in Sacred Relationships
In all relationships, our thoughts and language significantly affect how we feel about our significant other. Forgiveness is both a practice of mind and body, which allows us to create greater harmony in times of friction. When we look more closely at our sacred relationship, we start to see some breakdowns in intimacy, connection, and communication.
Read MoreThe Alchemy of Rose
The alchemy of true rose essential oil is glorious. Via inhalation, it instantly opens the heart when the individual holds this intention. The synergistic effect of positive intention and the rose can move mountains of stagnant emotion from the heart space. The vibration of letting go is held within its energy signature.
Read MoreHow to Maintain Sacred Relationships
After spending time with family, friends, or enjoying peaceful solitude over the holidays, it's an inspiring time to reflect on relationships. Sacred relationships. Also, because I’m leading a retreat in late January, I’m spending the next few weeks writing and reflecting on the value each person plays in a relationship. Today, I want to focus on sacred relationships and partnerships. To me, that means unity for longevity.
Read MoreThe Pen of Liberation
Once I've shifted my perspective, I know I can have a different response. I know I can have a different reaction—my reaction to all of the world of transformation. My reaction to the situation around me and how it has changed indicates my transformational journey. The more I become aware of my reaction and response, the more I can harness the power within me to modulate it in ways that honor and hold compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and love for every step along my journey.
Read MoreMaking Room for Greatness in Your Life
What do you think of when you hear the word great? Is your first impression positive as It’s a great day, filled with benevolence? Do you sense the greatness of who you are and the magnificence of who you are becoming? Or do you think and feel first of the great chaos in the world, in your life, or the great to-do list on your fridge or desk?
Read MoreThe Alchemy of Release
I'll share this piece from my journey when I went down my rabbit hole, which was excruciating. It brought an old pattern of being attacked. What I forgot to see was that it was time for something new to be burned. I didn't know what it was in those moments, which was incredibly painful because it was like, Who am I? What is my identity? Why am I here? That's when I had to take the time to integrate the experience of release.
Read MoreMy Journey to Sourcing the Purest Aromatics
I began my study of medicinal plants and esoteric philosophy at the age of 18 after having a mystical awakening with a local shaman in the foothills of Northern California. As someone who always felt the most at home in nature, I began to hear the flowers and trees communicating with me in new ways. The study of vibrations and healing properties of scents, sounds and colors continued to draw me deeper into this mystical realm.
Read MoreJust Married? Try this Nuptial Ritual with Your Newly Wed
This ritual will delight all 5 of your senses further anchoring this beautiful experience throughout your brain and being.
The intertwining of two souls in marriage is the highest sacred contract that can be entered into between two people. This level of union solidifies a commitment that spans beyond all circumstances of life including all its peaks and valleys.
Read MoreSurvive to Thrive: Healing Crisis
Welcome to our weekly meditation. Today is the second meditation in a seven-part series called Survive to Thrive. For this series we are expanding on one of the designs, based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, from my new book, Detox, Nourish, Activate. As we progress through the seven weeks, we will be moving step by step through this triad of the journey of self-mastery so that we can truly embody and actualize our soul's purpose. Last week, for the first meditation, we focused on the first step, Survival and Struggle. For this week’s meditation, we will focus on the second step, Healing Crisis.
Survive to Thrive: Survival and Struggle
This is the first of a seven-part series called Survive to Thrive. A little bit of background on why I chose to take us on this specific journey: in 2022, I'm going to be launching my new school program called the Soul Institute, which is exciting. As I was gathering ideas to put together for course programs, I was going through my book, Detox Nourish Activate, and one section in the Adrenal area, called the Personal Evolution Triad, stood out to me to be expounded upon. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it takes us along the journey of self mastery.
Read MoreSurvive to Thrive: The Personal Evolution Triad
As a student and teacher for over two decades in the field of alternative medicine, I have come to understand the infinite nature of personal growth in an expansive way. In the writing of our new programs for the launch of our educational platform: The Soul Institute, I have refined the initial concept of the Personal Evolution Triad: Survive to Thrive. Based on the concept of Maslov’s Hierarchy, the Survive to Thrive diagram furthers the understanding of how we can evolve from the primary steps of survival and struggle. When we engage in the vicious cycle of struggle, dis-ease is perpetuated, whether it manifests in our body, mind, emotions or spirit.
Read MoreAssimilating Wisdom
Welcome to today's Seeds of the Spirit meditation on assimilating the wisdom of the past year. Today we will be working with the alchemies of merlinite and sandalwood oil. The end of the year brings a wonderful opportunity for reflection, review and receiving. In truth, it is much more than reviewing the last year. Even that idea is linear in nature. However, from the perspective of earth time, we have markers to pin a moment in time to view from.
Reflecting upon each bounty and win of the year allows us to fully receive the magnificence and vibration of empowerment encoded within. It integrates the experience at our soul level. The same applies for each “blesson” (a lesson that contains an eventual blessing), even if we cannot see the golden nugget of wisdom within the experience yet. Every part of our life, our bodies, minds and spirits that are still calling for our love, our forgiveness, our acceptance and our light are potent areas of reflection that allow us to embrace all of who we are. This is the journey of assimilation.
Read MoreThe Alchemy of Forgiveness
In this meditation we will be inviting deeper levels of forgiveness in our lives. The other day, my eldest daughter Lilly was sharing some of her favorite quotes by Martin Luther King and I was struck by the profound and timely message of this one in particular. To paraphrase: “When we are devoid of the ability to forgive, we're truly unable to love.” At one time or another, we’ve all held on to the pains of the past, whether that’s heartache, loss, grief, betrayal, or injustice. These unresolved emotions build bitterness, resentment and toxicity for bodies, our minds and our overall well being. And yet, we have the power to set ourselves free. When we bring our focus of forgiveness inward and illuminate the voice of the harsh inner critic, we lighten and enlighten ourselves. That inner healing balm of forgiveness, acceptance and embrace opens our hearts for greater experiences of love and compassion for ourselves as well as others.
Read MoreThe Alchemy Release
The alchemy of Release is all about embracing life. For most of us, it is effortless to enjoy life when we are feeling free and joyful, when we have something exciting to look forward to, or when new love is in the air. It is equally common that in seasons of unpleasant experiences and emotions, we find ourselves resisting, avoiding, talking down to, and turning away from what life is presenting. These moments of discomfort are too part of life in its fullness. Opportunities call out to us for self love, support, healing, kindness, and a compassionate, warm embrace so that we may return back to the inner sunny days. As we embrace the entirety of our experience for exactly what and how it is, the places that are held in pain, grief, or any amount of suffering have room to surface and release, paving the way for us to experience days filled with more freedom, joy, love, and harmony.
Read MoreDNA Healing Level Series: Heart Nourish
We’re all being called to find deeper ways to nourish ourselves, and the truth is that when we nourish ourselves, we strengthen our entire being. We expand our emotional intelligence, our emotional resilience, and our stress response. We’re able to engage with ourselves in a way that is really honoring, allowing us to deepen our relationship with compassion, self-acceptance, and forgiveness. All of these aspects are connected to the heart. Every relationship that we have is a direct reflection of our relationship with ourselves. When we’re working with this meditation, frequency and nourishment, we will be infusing them with pink light and other nourishing aspects.
DNA Healing Level Series: Heart Detox
Detoxing the heart invites us to release all that no longer serves the truth of who we are. We must let go of all that stands in the way of experiencing the fullness of our sacred human hearts and love for ourselves as well as love for another. When we’re talking about the heart, this is our center for relations. All of our relational cords are held here. It is the gateway to the astral realm. So many of our previous lifetimes of unresolved frequencies and emotions are held in this area as well. Detoxing the heart gives us a wonderful opportunity to go inward, and in a very essential way, release anything that we’re holding onto that is heavy, and that isn’t congruent with the magnitude of our magnificence.
Read MoreDNA Level Healing Series: Adrenal Detox
Welcome to our sacred healing group. Today we will be diving into detoxing the Adrenal system, which I also talk about in greater detail in my new book, Detox. Nourish. Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood, and Love. The Adrenal system relates to our connectivity with life force and our nature as a free sovereign being. Freedom and life force are very much a part of the psycho-spiritual aspects of the Adrenal system. You might have heard of chronic fatigue or adrenal burnout. I believe that there’s probably at least 98.9% of humanity that has some degree of adrenal fatigue that’s brought on from stress. Chronic stress is compounded in the body, so it can build up over time and affect the adrenal glands.
Read MoreSoul Institute for Quantum Living: Faith, Trust and Surrender
This is a meditation on faith, trust, and surrender from our Soul Institute global monthly meditation group. When working with the energy of faith, trust, and surrender, we’re aligning with the etheric template, which is the template for the divine, through the throat chakra. The throat chakra and the etheric template are able to clear the throat chakra, so we may resonate with the energy field, which is that of divine will. In this resonance field, we can open, align, and surrender to move into the energy of faith, trust, and letting go of everything that no longer serves us.
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