How do I make sense of what is happening inside of me, let alone what is going on in the world around me right now?
This theme has been so deeply present these past weeks…from the lunar eclipse to the Spring Equinox and now the new moon and solar eclipse, the planetary and cosmic alignments are creating the energetic conditions for profound change. This is a shedding of the many layers of heaviness and past to make way for the greater alignment of your soul’s path and sacred purpose.
The outer challenges in life that we are facing show us the places and patterns within us that are present for transformation. It is part of the evolutionary divine design. If you are experiencing chaos or disharmony in your thoughts, feelings, relationships, personal expression or are feeling totally stuck, take a moment to pause. Breathe. Understand that there is something within you calling for your attention, love and acceptance. What are you holding onto that longs to be let go of so something new and more harmonious may enter?
There are times when this process of shedding feels like a great crumbling…when circumstances, relationships, even opportunities that seem fantastic fall away. As we move through the rabbit hole of the fall, the next steps aren’t always clear, but they aren’t meant to be.
We would miss out on the greater gold that comes from digging deep within our patterns to discover that sweet spot of understanding that becomes the “Aha” and then the “Ahhhh” of relief and the release of letting go of the old.
If you feel this sense of pressure as if things are falling apart right now, you are not alone.
Maybe you feel challenges at home, triggers in core relationships, financial pressure or a deep disappointment about what is occurring in the world. Maybe you are affected by disregard for Mother Earth and the suffering of many individuals in too many ways to count.
Just as when the Earth goes through a process of shedding leaves in the colder months, a dormancy that is often referred to as the death of winter, the places and patterns within us that are no longer aligned to our greater good must also fall away. This creates the opportunity for a new birth of self, a new way of thinking, feeling and believing in the goodness of life and the goodness within and around you.
At this potent time of personal and collective transformation, imagine yourself as a diamond that has been formed through the pressure, adversity and great changes through time. Although your understanding of time may be focused on the course of your life, your diamond has also been shaped by your ancestral lineage of belief systems, thoughts and feelings of your parents and then family line. Your cells and your soul are deeply connected. As you polish the facets of the diamond of your soul, you also polish the diamond facets of your cells and your physical body.
As the fragments of your soul’s light are restored, through this process of “polishing your diamond” they transform into beautiful fractals, like a kaleidoscope, returning back to the fullness of passion and purpose.
You are a diamond, unique and multi-faceted. Just as this precious stone formed through pressure, the adversity in your life is designed as a reminder of your brilliance, beauty and clarity. All the ways you let go, shift, open and expand polish your diamond light to shine more exquisitely.
This is the quest of the modern alchemist, to find the gold within, polish the diamonds that were and to shine in the brilliance of our vibrancy, joy, liberation and fulfillment.
Seize the alchemy of this present moment with this quick modern alchemy practice: the Rising Sun breathwork linked above.
To alchemize this process even further, work with an essential oil via inhalation as mentioned in the video.
Join our community of like-minded souls for our in-person retreats or virtual events to discover the gold within you and decipher your unique alchemical code of sacred purpose and passion. Shine in the magnificent way that is unique to you.