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Discovery Session

This complimentary 15-minute discovery session offers the opportunity to meet and greet with Adora Winquist and explore the potential of working together. She will share her philosophy on healing, alchemy, and the journey of self mastery. You will have time to share an intention for your process and identify the synergy of initiating the journey of “soul work” together.

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Phase 1: SOUL WORK | Awaken to greater self-understanding

Adora Winquist brings 20 years of personal process and private practice to the healing sanctuary. Every session is uniquely curated for you, precisely where you are on your journey of transformation and what intention you hold for the next iteration of who you wish to become. Significant focus is placed on presencing the physical body and clearing physical and emotional trauma patterns to more fully express your essence and lifeforce. She will determine an individual treatment plan based on her 20+ years of experience, rooted in the Barbara Brennan School of Healing methods, along with her finely-tuned intuition. Through a variety of techniques such as visualization, healing crystals, and essential oils personally blended by Adora, you can expect to feel a vibrational shift in your energy field. The beginning of your soul work! One hour session. $330.00

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Phase 2: DNA ALCHEMY | Heal your Past, Present, and Future Self

In phase two sessions, you will deepen your healing at the DNA level, clearing old, limiting patterns through the Mother and Father bloodlines to free lifeforce and experience greater self-expression. One hour session. $330.00

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Phase 3: QUANTUM ALCHEMY | Actualize Your Soul Purpose and Live your Greatest Joy

In phase three, the Quantum Alchemy sessions are designed to accelerate you to fully actualize you life and soul purpose. Adora supports you to create a life from effortless intention and manifest the longings held deep within your soul for this incarnation. One Hour Session. $330.00


Quantum Biofeedback

The Genius Health Insight Program is a sophisticated and profound energetic medicine system. It incorporates electro-sound resonance screening, stress testing and biofeedback. It is a computerized system that both tests and balances the body at the subtle energy level. Therapies include: Naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, energetic medicine, psychology, aromatherapy, reflexology, color therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, biofeedback and Rife Resonator. 30-minute session. $45.00



“I have worked on my personal healing with many, many energy workers and other types of alternative healers over the years. None of them compare to what I have been able to accomplish with Adora. She has a huge heart, a loving soul, is well trained and a master of everything she offers. I am a different, better, happier person today than before beginning my work with her.
Adora is a gift to anyone who connects with her.”
Kay Francis, AVL, NC