akashic records healing session
what are the akashic records?
The Akashic Records are a vibrational repository of your soul’s journey through time. Often referred to as the Hall of Records, accessing the vast intelligence held within this realm encourages you to find your passion, understand and transmute your patterns, and illuminate your highest path and sacred purpose.
They offer a rare and unique opportunity of self-discovery and personal transformation.
discover the blueprint of your existence
These cosmic libraries hold the keys to your soul’s narrative past, present, and potential future. However, to access this etheric database, you need a guide who possesses a depth of experience and a heart rooted in genuine connection. Adora is that guide.
Through this alchemical process with Adora, you are able to clear, transmute, and activate your greater potential.
This is more than an Akashic Records reading or knowing if you were Cleopatra in another life. Instead, Adora guides you to the specific records that will help you most in your life. You will receive a deep clearing and re-coding from your soul to your cellular consciousness and DNA.
It is through the liberation from the past that you are able to sculpt a new future filled with the sacred purpose, passionate fulfillment, and authentic abundance that is your birthright.
Unlock Your True Purpose
Personal Alchemical Blueprint: Understand the unique energetic concoction that is you.
Soul's Purpose Clarified: Discover what you were truly brought into this world to achieve.
Transmute Past Challenges & Patterns: Learn how past life events are influencing your present and how to transmute these energies for your highest good.
Embrace the opportunity to understand yourself better, discover your purpose, and align with your true path.
a healing tailored to you
Every individual's journey is unique, and so is the guidance each soul seeks. With this in mind, Adora ensures that every Akashic Record healing session is deeply personalized, catering specifically to your spiritual narrative.
With her mentorship in modern alchemy and her understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, she bridges ancient wisdom with your contemporary challenges and aspirations.
When you embark on this journey with Adora, you're engaging in a profound exploration tailored precisely to your path.
Why An Akashic Record Healing Can Change Your Life
Enhance Intuition: Have those gut feelings? Those hunches? Delve deeper into their origins and ascertain their validity.
Shift Perspective: Understand the underlying reasons for your past challenges and view them as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks.
Ease Fear and Anxiety: Identify the root causes of your anxieties and fears and learn how to navigate through them.
Generate Harmonious Interactions: Recognize the patterns in your relationships and interactions, guiding you towards more meaningful connections.
from Adora - my journey with the akashic records
During my first trip to Egypt in 1998, I visited the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids at Giza. While there, I had a vision of vast pathways that exist under the earth's surface that held an etheric Hall of Records. Although much of my work over the last two decades included a past life transformational component, it was not until 2020 that I was bestowed Roberta Herzog’s legacy of historic Akashic Record reader. This was made possible by her estate custodian, Robert Allen Walls.
Robert is one of my personal mentors, and he sent me one of Roberta’s books on the Records. The book struck a profound chord of resonance within me! As I began to explore her book, I saw a golden orb enter my room. It felt as if a new doorway of universal connection opened and goosebumps rose all over my body. This became a defining moment of confirmation. It was not long after that Robert offered the prestigious opportunity to carry on her work. Such moments as this become markers of benevolent change. When Divine timing aligns with the Earth and the soul’s evolutionary unfoldment, energy unlocks, doors open, and higher level alignment occurs. It is such a beautiful process.
In my book Detox, Nourish, Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood and Love, the Akashic Records is defined as “an etheric collection of each human soul’s lifetime (past and present) containing karmic information and soul level contracts.” I think of the records as a tool, an intervention and a map of sorts that can help to illuminate our path and purpose in life. It can support us to find our passion, understand the patterns in our life that hold us back from greater health and harmony, and to access a place of divine knowledge and ancient wisdom that we carry deep within our cellular consciousness. This “Hall of Records” also holds the history of humankind working with the medicines from the Earth. The plant and mineral kingdoms offer potent alchemical remedies for us to heal, awaken, transform, and evolve our consciousness through their versatile application.
Akashic Records Options
How It Works:
Book Your Reading: Confirm your option below and choose a date and time that works best for you.
Prepare: Spend a few quiet moments reflecting on the questions or areas of your life you'd like insights on. Choose three primary questions or areas to explore.
Have Your Reading with Adora: During your session, Adora will access the Akashic Records and guide you in accessing the information meant for you. This process is incredibly deep and re-codes the energy at your soul and cellular levels through your DNA and mother and father bloodlines.
Assimilate: After your session, take some time to process and assimilate the insights you've received. Rest, hydration, and reflection are key to your greater integration. Adora will give you a unique process for the anchoring of your new pattern. This stepping stone process will support the full actualization of your sacred purpose.
Integrate with Adora: Take note of any changes or thoughts that come to your mind in the days or weeks that follow. Share them with Adora in your follow-up session to help you integrate and get more clarity on what unfolded in your reading.
Akashic Records Healing Package
This package includes a 90-minute Akashic Record Alchemy Session with Adora as well as a 30-minute post session connection call, a custom blended Soul Work Aroma-Alchemy Formula and a copy of Roberta Herzog’s incredible book The Akashic Records: Your Soul’s Journey Through Time.
Retail Value: $1,480 | Package Special Offer: $1,400
Akashic Records Healing Session
Adora will explore your Akashic Records to gain a deeper understanding of your Divine purpose in this life and how your life challenges relate to the potential for expansion on your soul level in the primary facets of relationship, health, career, and family. These 90-minute sessions offer potent alchemy for transformation and alignment for your high path to emerge with greater clarity and comprehension.
The Akashic Records eBook
The most comprehensive book on the Akashic Records to date by the world famous visionary, artist, reader, and teacher Dr. Roberta Herzog. This book explores ancient philosophy of the Akashic Record Library as well as material from her 32 years as a primary reader of thousands of Records.