Do you hear a calling TO RISE deep within you?
The Divine Feminine is rising. It is ascending through the collective consciousness of the planet and through you from your soul to your cells. We all have aspects of inner feminine and masculine that desire to return to unity, empowerment, and love. Remembrance of this holy truth is emerging. The resounding call within you is more than just a whisper and it beckons you to reawaken the ancient wisdom, divine knowledge, and vast love that is held within you.
Our Divine Feminine Rising Program is offered through both free and paid programs, in-person and virtual events to reach and embrace the most expansive net of our global community. These resources are offered for all those ready and ripe to rise and stand in the fullness of your power, love, and truth.
Free Monthly Mary Magdalene Transmission Meditations: Each month, we will gather to connect and commune with the essence of this visionary aspect of divine feminine. We will explore the alchemy of Mary Magdalene in relationship to her Divine attributes of mysticism, love, sacred sexuality, Divine adoration, surrender, faith, and unity consciousness to awaken deeper levels of the Divine feminine to RISE with YOU.
Yearly Aromatic Spiritual Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage to Southern France: A rare journey of mysticism and miracles centered around Mary Magdalene and the ancient sacred sites associated with the Divine Feminine. Through daily ceremony and healing meditations, Adora guides us on journeys of the sacred human heart.
Pop-Up Programs: Check our calendar for current events. To inquire about hosting one in your area, please email
Ceremony: Ceremony and ritual are rooted in ancient traditions as a practice of alchemy in the processes of transmutation, transfiguration, and transformation. Global, local, and personal ceremonies are available.
“The path of the Divine Feminine calls you to re-connect with your inner voice of truth and to allow that to lead you with courage, conviction and compassion.””
you are the keepers of sacred magic
You are the keepers of sacred magic, the template of the divine feminine, protector of the Holy Grail, the goddess, the Holy of Holies. She is known by many, many names - including Mary Magdalene. Keepers of the sacred threefold flame, you are being called to come together in community to be held, seen, to heal your wounds - our wounds of separation, struggle, and profound forgetting.
Together we will awaken, shift, heal, and evolve, stepping forward with our unique light, truth, and expression of the divine and physical form. As we heal one-by-one and awaken, we heal the many - lifting the planetary vibration and the collective consciousness. Together, we will unite all the aspects of our beauty, wisdom, power, grace, and we will RISE in unity, shining in our greatest love.
Your sacred healing spiral is unique to you and based upon your soul work for this life.
You are the One you have been waiting for.
Adora’s Story:
I am both the fierce lioness and her vulnerable cub.
Can you relate? I wonder if you… like me… have had a wake up call that sparked a search for something more…
I received a wake-up call at the tender age of 20, when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis. I felt scared, scattered, and lost. I was told by my doctor that suffering was a natural part of being a woman. He dismissed my pain as imaginary. He prescribed countless pills and even recommended a hysterectomy. I knew deep down that there had to be another way.
Throughout my life, I found myself seeking safety and love by aligning with masculine qualities. I believed that success, strength, and worthiness were only attainable through the masculine lens. I buried my emotions, strived for perfection, and sacrificed my true self, leading to dark moments of depression and even attempting to end my own life.
The journey of my healing has shown me the deep wounds that women inflict upon themselves and each other. We have silenced and betrayed ourselves, suffocating our own unique light and power. We've learned to stand in our power from a distorted masculine perspective, only to witness our bodies, minds, and spirits breaking down.
But we are not meant to create through force or manipulation.
We are spherical creators, dream weavers, and gentle nurturers.
Together, in sacred community, we heal.
The most precious and profound aspects of my healing came through the connection I found with the Divine Feminine, specifically Mary Magdalene. She embodies the divine feminine and teaches us mastery of love, trust, surrender, and tantra. The rising of the divine feminine calls us to express our leadership, creativity, sensuality, and empowerment. She beckons us to discover the infinite love within ourselves, filling our own cups first and transforming our relationships with the world. She is a tangible aspect of the Goddess, and an ally that encourages our inner feminine to RISE, fully empowered as a beacon of love, light and peace.
When we unite, we heal. And I’d love for you to unite with me and other like-minded women for the upcoming workshops and retreats I have created that connect you with your authentic power through knowing and experiencing Mary Magdalene within a sacred sisterhood.
Join me and together, we will release what holds us back so we can rise stronger and wiser from the lessons of the past. True freedom is only achieved when we all are free. Our personal and collective practices shape consciousness - yours, mine, ours - allowing us to become the change we yearn for.
Through our Divine Feminine Rising Program
Awaken your inner power and wisdom through special ceremonies and rituals that connect you to the ancient ways of women
Clear your mind and emotions to discover your true purpose and make better decisions
Experience a transformation of love that helps you feel happier, more confident, and loved by others
Let go of past hurts and embrace a fresh start, allowing you to enjoy life and love without holding back
Unlock your inner mystic and gain access to wise advice that guides you through life's challenges
Learn practical ways to create a more loving and abundant life filled with joy, fulfillment, and meaningful connections
Reclaim your authentic power and reconnect with the strength and wisdom of the feminine, embracing both the fierce lioness and the gentle nurturing spirit within you
Break free from societal expectations and embrace your unique beauty and gifts, nurturing your vital life force and deepening your connection to spirit
Heal the wounds of betrayal and self-betrayal, cultivating self-love and restoring the harmony between your body, mind, and spirit
Embrace a sustainable path of creation and leadership rooted in effortless intention, collaboration, and support from your tribe of like-minded women
Mary Magdalene beckons us to discover the infinite love within ourselves, replenishing our own cups first and transforming our relationships with the world.
Together we will CLEAR old Patterns of limitation and lack from your belief systems, emotional body, mental constructs, and your cellular consciousness to source deeper CONNECTION within.
In our intimate and sacred COMMUNITY, we will open to greater listening and COMMUNICATION with your inner “wise one.”
Together, we will CELEBRATE and bless every lesson and experience from our past that has brought us perfectly to the here and now.
We will CULTIVATE authentic COMMUNION with ourselves.
Then, through sacred CEREMONY, you will CO-CREATE a new intentional vision for your future, opening to a new sacred relationship or enhancing sacred relationship with another with greater intimacy, vulnerability, and the highest expression of our light.
By expanding your CONSCIOUSNESS, together we will remember our infinite ability to experience love, faith, surrender, and unity.

Meet your visionary guide
Adora Winquist
Alchemical Healing Expert; Founder of The Soul Institute; Co-author of Detox, Nourish, Activate.
Author and expert in the fields of plant and vibrational medicine, Adora Winquist is a visionary in the dawning arena of Quantum Alchemy, a transformative evolutionary path for self-mastery that facilitates healing at the DNA level. She intertwines the divine knowledge and ancient wisdom of esoteric philosophy, psychospiritual dynamics, essential oil, and energy medicine through her 20+ years as a facilitator, educator, formulator, and entrepreneur. Adora lives with her two daughters and her partner in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.
upcoming programs
Healing the mother-daughter-sister wound
Claiming your sensual alchemy
Opening to greater creativity
Owning your Holy power
Herbs, sacred oils, and essences for healing
Attuning to your psychic gifts