The Soul Institute is a global educational resource located in Asheville, NC. Our commitment to elevating holistic wellbeing is also rooted locally in Western North Carolina through community engagement, mentorship for entrepreneurs, and partnerships with other key organizations for social interconnection.
We seek to inspire and empower all those seeking betterment through holistic and spirituality-based education, personal development. Our platform of innovative products, services, programs, and spiritual leadership offers a modern day twist on ancient alchemical healing practices with solutions to the rampant mental health crisis. With a combination of virtual, local and global in-person events, our teachings are based on the Five Pillars of Modern Alchemy to offer practices that are simple, accessible, and yet still profound.
Our platform is open to seekers at all levels of spiritual awakening and inclusive of all those committed to walking the path of self-mastery. Wherever you are in the world, or on your path of awakening and transformation, you are welcome here.
The Soul Institute is founded upon the principles of esoteric philosophy, psycho-spiritual dynamics, aromatherapy, and vibrational medicine - all woven together with the thread of love to empower your high path of passion, meaningful purpose, and spiritual growth. These core philosophies are then intertwined to form modern interventions for ancient remedies that create greater health and harmony within the mind-body and soul connection and allows us to transmute the patterns of limitation we carry from our soul to our cells: Personal, ancestral, and collective to rise beyond our past limitations.
Ancient wisdom and insight is often shared through a mystery school philosophical setting. Through the years, many esoteric principles and key tools of alchemy have been fragmented, leaving the neophyte at some level of growth upon their path, yet far from what is actually attainable in this life.
The Five Pillars of Modern Alchemy synthesize many primary threads of understanding - including that YOU are the bridge between science and spirituality. Your physical body is a temple. It is the instrument of your Divine Design and both biochemical and alchemical in nature. For more intelligence on this topic, please explore our blogs, books, podcast interviews, and Modern Alchemist Certification Program.
you are both the alchemy and the alchemist.
Whether you are looking to awaken and accelerate your spiritual development, create greater mental health balance and emotional resilience, heal from trauma, PTSD, or ancestral lineage level patterns, we invite you to explore resources to curate YOUR path of self mastery.
In our collective longing to evolve, we have the desire to open and access the ancient wisdom and divine knowledge within ourselves in manners that are both practical, accessible, and profound.
Our Mission: Evolve human consciousness with ancient wisdom and modern alchemy
Our Vision: Activate over 25 million individuals to find, live and thrive in their sacred soul purpose
“We are co-creating a divine philanthropic legacy that inspires, encourages and supports the evolution of the consciousness of humanity and all kingdoms of life on our beautiful planet. Through our greater collective longing for unification, we are called to come together in a sacred community to cultivate an expansive and extraordinary momentum for benevolent change. The visionaries and thought leaders that will serve as the instructors of the Institute are curated for their expertise and core commitment to personal development as a means for planetary evolution.” Adora Winquist, Founder
If you feel called to contribute your thought leadership, please connect Adora@adorawinquist.com
Adora Winquist, Founder, CEO
Adora Winquist is recognized as an icon in the wellness industry with thirty years of expertise in aromatherapy and vibrational medicine. As an award winning master formulator, international author and spiritual teacher she offers curated protocols, custom formulation and transformative experiences and retreats. She is an internationally-renowned spiritual teacher and leader and founder of The Love Frequency™, a spiritual accelerator that transforms you from a spiritual seeker to the sacred leader of your most authentic and abundant life.