How do I make sense of what is happening inside of me, let alone what is going on in the world around me right now? This theme has been so deeply present these past weeks…from the lunar eclipse to the Spring Equinox and now the new moon and solar eclipse, the planetary and cosmic alignments are creating the energetic conditions for profound change.
Read MoreWhat is Sacred Self-Leadership?
What comes to mind when you hear the term “sacred self-leadership”? Often, we consider leadership as a structured term along a scale of authority. It may be a top-ranking general for military operations or the boardroom hierarchy of business organizations like Oprah Winfrey. There are also leaders like Tony Robbins that are inspirational in nature offering innovative ways of thinking, behaving and reaching …
Read MoreA Modern Alchemy Ritual for Spring Equinox
The brightness of Spring. The reawakening of life. Not only does the earth come alive again in the northern hemisphere, but so do we. The Spring Equinox is a time of new beginnings, the renewing of hope for the future and the vibrancy of our present. Spring is a time for planting seeds of intention. Fresh, clean energy within and all around us invites the clarity for our soul’s desires to surface with new and wholesome perspectives.
Read MoreThe Alchemy of Palo Santo: Purification
This South American “holy wood” produces an essential oil of a deep, earthly, and woodsy aroma, with such potent depth it easily transcends space and time. It has been used for centuries in the sacred purification and energy cleansing practice through burning of the wood to dissolve negative energies and limiting beliefs.
Read MoreWinter Solstice DIY Blessings Ceremony
This season of inward reflection offers a wonderful opportunity to be in the listening of your being holistically, to create and shift self care and to plant the seeds for YOUR next season of soul growth and embodied expansion. In this time of shift of the New Earth, we continue to awaken and expand our conscious connection to ourselves and each other.
Read MoreWhat Does Beauty, Faith, and Spirituality Have in Common?
Let's face it (wink) - the term beauty has a great deal of charge to it. We’ve been indoctrinated from too early an age of what beauty is "supposed" to look like. This messaging came from our parents and the culture of our heritage, the media, the maya of celebrity, and all the experiences we've had from the schoolyard to the corporate boardroom and even the bedroom where this has been reinforced.
Read MoreWelcome Summer Solstice
This is a time to raise energy, to honor the light within you, to expand it and align with the wisdom of nature and intelligence. Working with essential oils of rose, neroli, jasmine, cinnamon, carrot seed, and frankincense this time of year helps us to expand the brilliance of our light, which is the unique qualities within us, and to focus our intentions personally, as well as globally in sacred space.
Read MoreFather’s Day Tips: Activating Vital Life Force
Regardless of our gender, we all carry a masculine aspect within us that is modeled by our relationship with our fathers and our male lineage. When we are consistently in a negative cycle of conversation with ourselves or others about how toxic masculinity is, we are also projecting that energy onto ourselves. As women, we give birth to men, we raise them, love them and often become lovers with them. In unification, there is balance, honor, and compassion for our masculine aspects as well as our feminine.
Read MoreDemystifying Attachment Styles
Whether you’re looking to transform and deepen your current relationship to find the love of your deepest dreams and desires, understanding your attachment style creates emotional clarity for healthier relationships.
Read More5 Ways to Manifest Self Love
The aroma of spring is in the air. A hint of awakening daffodils, hyacinth, and a touch of warmth comes through the cool morning breeze. Spring is a time of new beginnings, hope for the future, and a fresh infusion of energy and lifeforce. To fully receive this renewed sense of vitality and clarity, we are called to let go of the old patterns that no longer serve us.
Read MoreBlood Orange Mood Boost
Blood orange is the quintessential aromatic of joie de vivre. Its citrusy smell lifts our mental outlook and emotional response to remind us of the joy of life. Invoke the bright, juicy aroma of blood orange to alleviate stress, enhance positive energy, and elicit feelings of delight.
Read MoreWhat's Your Love Language?
Does speaking the same language really mean we understand each other? We tend to believe that just because we speak the same language like English, Italian, French, or Spanish that we are on the same page. Yet, it is our emotional language that we communicate in our love relationships. When that differs, the stars stop aligning and conflict arises.
Read MorePracticing Gratitude for Deeper Connection
As we continue to explore Sacred Relationships, I want to focus for a moment on the importance of gratitude. It’s a big one in relationships of all kinds, not just with your partner. When examining our life experiences and Early Childhood Treasure Map, we often find ourselves patterned to think the glass is half full, to dwell in places of negativity.
Read MoreNeroli to Awaken the Mystical Heart
Neroli’s bright aroma lifts the spirit and speaks to the remembrance of joy and lightheartedness. Neroli is highly beneficial for those who tend to be harsh and critical of themselves and can assist in shifting this energy to that of self-love and compassion. This oil assists in dissolving extreme emotions like jealousy, anger, and self-hatred. It aids in settling shock and counterbalancing PTSD.
Read MoreThe Alchemy of Rose
The alchemy of true rose essential oil is glorious. Via inhalation, it instantly opens the heart when the individual holds this intention. The synergistic effect of positive intention and the rose can move mountains of stagnant emotion from the heart space. The vibration of letting go is held within its energy signature.
Read MoreRealistic New Year's Resolutions
To feel better, we need to revolutionize how we view our practices on self-care and self-love. I believe that all change first starts with an invitation. What do you want to invite in for your greater holistic health and wellbeing in this moment as well as this year? Start general. That way, neither the body or mind can put up a wall of resistance to change, which is sometimes a natural psychological response.
Read MoreHow to Maintain Sacred Relationships
After spending time with family, friends, or enjoying peaceful solitude over the holidays, it's an inspiring time to reflect on relationships. Sacred relationships. Also, because I’m leading a retreat in late January, I’m spending the next few weeks writing and reflecting on the value each person plays in a relationship. Today, I want to focus on sacred relationships and partnerships. To me, that means unity for longevity.
Read MoreThe Invitation for Co-Creation
There have been many times over the course of my journey where if I’m being honest with myself, didn't really know what I wanted out of my experience in this life. I may have had a few goals or desires which would drive my daily actions, but looking at it from a big-picture perspective, my intentions for my own path of self-mastery were somewhat vague.
Read MoreThe Alchemy of Release
I'll share this piece from my journey when I went down my rabbit hole, which was excruciating. It brought an old pattern of being attacked. What I forgot to see was that it was time for something new to be burned. I didn't know what it was in those moments, which was incredibly painful because it was like, Who am I? What is my identity? Why am I here? That's when I had to take the time to integrate the experience of release.
Read MoreMy Journey to Sourcing the Purest Aromatics
I began my study of medicinal plants and esoteric philosophy at the age of 18 after having a mystical awakening with a local shaman in the foothills of Northern California. As someone who always felt the most at home in nature, I began to hear the flowers and trees communicating with me in new ways. The study of vibrations and healing properties of scents, sounds and colors continued to draw me deeper into this mystical realm.
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