How do I make sense of what is happening inside of me, let alone what is going on in the world around me right now? This theme has been so deeply present these past weeks…from the lunar eclipse to the Spring Equinox and now the new moon and solar eclipse, the planetary and cosmic alignments are creating the energetic conditions for profound change.
Read MoreWhat is Sacred Self-Leadership?
What comes to mind when you hear the term “sacred self-leadership”? Often, we consider leadership as a structured term along a scale of authority. It may be a top-ranking general for military operations or the boardroom hierarchy of business organizations like Oprah Winfrey. There are also leaders like Tony Robbins that are inspirational in nature offering innovative ways of thinking, behaving and reaching …
Read MoreA Modern Alchemy Ritual for Spring Equinox
The brightness of Spring. The reawakening of life. Not only does the earth come alive again in the northern hemisphere, but so do we. The Spring Equinox is a time of new beginnings, the renewing of hope for the future and the vibrancy of our present. Spring is a time for planting seeds of intention. Fresh, clean energy within and all around us invites the clarity for our soul’s desires to surface with new and wholesome perspectives.
Read MoreThe Alchemy of Salt
Salt is used to cleanse and purify a home, office or other personal space of stagnant or unwanted energy. The energy of your environment has a direct impact on your mood, mental clarity, and overall sense of inspiration and harmony in your life. Salt was once traded by weight for gold. Ancient traditions used it for food preservation, mummification, to treat illness, and maintain the body's biochemistry.
Read MoreWinter Solstice DIY Blessings Ceremony
This season of inward reflection offers a wonderful opportunity to be in the listening of your being holistically, to create and shift self care and to plant the seeds for YOUR next season of soul growth and embodied expansion. In this time of shift of the New Earth, we continue to awaken and expand our conscious connection to ourselves and each other.
Read MoreFall Equinox
The Fall Equinox marks a rare intersection of the Sun and the celestial realms creating a potent planetary alignment, heightening the alchemical frequencies for intentional creation. From a seasonal perspective, this is a time of harvest. We reap the great bounty of our gardens of plenty: Both physically for those of us that cultivate home gardens as well as metaphorically.
Read MoreWelcome Summer Solstice
This is a time to raise energy, to honor the light within you, to expand it and align with the wisdom of nature and intelligence. Working with essential oils of rose, neroli, jasmine, cinnamon, carrot seed, and frankincense this time of year helps us to expand the brilliance of our light, which is the unique qualities within us, and to focus our intentions personally, as well as globally in sacred space.
Read MoreNeroli to Awaken the Mystical Heart
Neroli’s bright aroma lifts the spirit and speaks to the remembrance of joy and lightheartedness. Neroli is highly beneficial for those who tend to be harsh and critical of themselves and can assist in shifting this energy to that of self-love and compassion. This oil assists in dissolving extreme emotions like jealousy, anger, and self-hatred. It aids in settling shock and counterbalancing PTSD.
Read MoreRealistic New Year's Resolutions
To feel better, we need to revolutionize how we view our practices on self-care and self-love. I believe that all change first starts with an invitation. What do you want to invite in for your greater holistic health and wellbeing in this moment as well as this year? Start general. That way, neither the body or mind can put up a wall of resistance to change, which is sometimes a natural psychological response.
Read MoreHow to Maintain Sacred Relationships
After spending time with family, friends, or enjoying peaceful solitude over the holidays, it's an inspiring time to reflect on relationships. Sacred relationships. Also, because I’m leading a retreat in late January, I’m spending the next few weeks writing and reflecting on the value each person plays in a relationship. Today, I want to focus on sacred relationships and partnerships. To me, that means unity for longevity.
Read MoreThe Pen of Liberation
Once I've shifted my perspective, I know I can have a different response. I know I can have a different reaction—my reaction to all of the world of transformation. My reaction to the situation around me and how it has changed indicates my transformational journey. The more I become aware of my reaction and response, the more I can harness the power within me to modulate it in ways that honor and hold compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and love for every step along my journey.
Read MoreMaking Room for Greatness in Your Life
What do you think of when you hear the word great? Is your first impression positive as It’s a great day, filled with benevolence? Do you sense the greatness of who you are and the magnificence of who you are becoming? Or do you think and feel first of the great chaos in the world, in your life, or the great to-do list on your fridge or desk?
Read MoreSOS: The Adora Frequency: Open
I thought I would share a little story with you that is germane to the Adora Frequency and how it relates to me as an individual, as well as the Brennan school. For those of you that have gone through the program, you know we go into the depth of our core wounding in the first year. In the very first experience, we were brought back into the state of infancy and core wounding of the schizoid characterology, which was quite a surprise.
Read MoreMy Journey to Sourcing the Purest Aromatics
I began my study of medicinal plants and esoteric philosophy at the age of 18 after having a mystical awakening with a local shaman in the foothills of Northern California. As someone who always felt the most at home in nature, I began to hear the flowers and trees communicating with me in new ways. The study of vibrations and healing properties of scents, sounds and colors continued to draw me deeper into this mystical realm.
Read MoreSOS: The Adora Frequency: Rise
Welcome to part three of the Adora Frequency series: Rise. I invite you to connect with all of the places within your being, heart, soul, mind, life that you are being called to rise to new levels of leadership, inspiration, encouragement. To stand as beacons of light for yourselves, first and foremost, your loved ones, communities and the world at large.
Read MoreSOS: The Adora Frequency: Release
Welcome to our new meditation series on The Adora Frequency. A caveat here, it's not about me, Adora the individual, it's about the consciousness and flow state of Adora, which means adoration, honoring and the beloved one - whether it’s Latin, Spanish, or Italian.
Read MoreSOS: The Adora Frequency: Invitation
Welcome to our new series: The Adora Frequency. This is a unique series as it is part of a new wealth of information that I'm bringing in a new teaching, which is going to be transmitted through a program for the Soul Institute for Quantum Living.
Read MoreMary Magdalene: Divine Love
Welcome to the monthly Mary Magdalene healing circle. Tonight's meditation is on Divine Love and our alchemies for this evening are epidote for our mineral and agarwood or “oud” for our aromatic.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Anchoring Your Higher Self
Welcome to our last meditation journey in the High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade Series. We will focus on the crown center, Sahasrara. Our theme tonight is “Anchoring Our Highest Self”, and we are calling in the highest vibrational pattern that is available to us through the higher self.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Seeing Beyond the Illusion
Welcome to the Seeds of the Spirit High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade Series. Our meditation journey today is on the third eye to see beyond the veil illusion and the collusion.
Often we do not make the connection of collusion being part of our family dynamics or early childhood constellations, but whenever there's a sense of collusion, either between one parent, another sibling, or even ourselves when we were younger and we allied with one parent over another, it always creates a split.
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