Welcome back to the DNA Healing Series…
Envision a garden. You have these wonderful seeds that you want to plant, whether it’s a garden of herbs, flowers, fruits, vegetables or various other intentional creations. The first thing you need to do is prepare the soil for your garden. We need to till it and clear out all of the weeds and their roots. The soil needs to be made hospitable for the luscious garden you’re going to grow. Our first step in healing is detoxing and releasing all of the old to make way for the new seeds to be planted. They can be physical seeds or intentional seeds. Then we look at the nourish phase, we look at how we can bring those seeds sunlight, water, and all the nutrients and nourishment that they require to flourish. This invites us to deepen our connection to self care, self love, self compassion, and self acceptance. Activation invites us to harness the synergy of our “quintessence” with our lifeforce to embody the full bounty of all the fruits, whether it is the fruits that we’re going to enjoy for nourishment, fruits of our intention, or intentional practice.
Detoxing the heart invites us to release all that no longer serves the truth of who we are. We must let go of all that stands in the way of experiencing the fullness of our sacred human hearts and love for ourselves as well as love for another. When we’re talking about the heart, this is our center for relations. All of our relational cords are held here. It is the gateway to the astral realm. So many of our previous lifetimes of unresolved frequencies and emotions are held in this area as well. Detoxing the heart gives us a wonderful opportunity to go inward, and in a very essential way, release anything that we’re holding onto that is heavy, and that isn’t congruent with the magnitude of our magnificence.
When we’re looking at the psycho-spiritual aspects of detoxing the heart, we’re letting go of everything that no longer serves us. We are being called to fully let go of past heartache, grief, loss, betrayal, and those parts of ourselves where we’ve been greatly disappointed. Pain and emotions that are held within us further magnify the expectation of disappointment and loss, and they continually draw similar experiences to us until released. Through this process of letting go, we are then able to embody greater experiences of love and gratitude, giving and receiving, and it allows us to work within the zero point field of limitless creative potential. Spikenard will be wonderful for cleansing and purifying in this meditation. It also has a beautiful vibrational imprint to connect us with the ancient wisdom from our ancestors. As we go through this clearing, we’ll bring higher frequency and perhaps messages from our lineage and ancestors to work with us.
Essential Oil Alchemy:
Spikenard is a biblical essential oil. It has been used for the sacred as well as having some wonderful physiological benefits for the heart. For those that have experienced issues with arrhythmia or other heart imbalances, spikenard medicine helps bring balance back to this aspect of our physiology.
Spikenard medicine heightens our spiritual connection and activation, not only through the third eye, but also through the heart. It is referenced in the Bible that Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Jesus with this particular oil, it offers the alchemy of reverence and ignites a profound experience of higher source communion. Have you worked with spikenard to enhance your meditation? Our Mary Magdalene formula is rich with spikenard as a top note and other precious aromatics like cistus and blue lotus attar.
Crystal Alchemy:
Emerald is very much associated with the heart center. Emerald medicine has the vibration and ability to come into the heart space and expand, connecting us with the cosmic heart from the higher realms, as well as the earth heart at the very center of Mother Gaia. With emerald, you can access a greater connection and alignment with the earth and higher realms.
If you have an essential oil or crystal at home, feel free to use those for this meditation. You can use any that you have, or if you don’t have an oil or crystal that’s ok too because we’ll be invoking the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of both spikenard and emerald. If you do have an oil, place a drop or two on the left palm of your hand, which receives a higher frequency, and take a deep breath in.
Breathe and open, inviting any stress or tension from the day, week, or times to dissipate and dissolve around you. Envision a sphere of amber light that is pulsating right at your dantien point, about an inch and a half below your navel. This is the single frequency and note that holds you in the perfection of form that you are. As you do this, relax and feel your breath ease in and out through the lower belly. Feel a deep sense of relaxation.
Breathe in as you now invite a golden line of light to drop down from the very center of your dantien point. It moves down through your root chakra, which begins to open and expand down each leg and to the soles of the feet. The chakras in your feet open to connect more deeply with the earth. All three lines of light converge at the earth star chakra and sink. Light moving down effortlessly layer by layer of the earth and converging out of the core crystal at the center of Mother Gaia, which welcomes you with safety, protection, and nourishment as if you are seeing a long lost friend.
Breathe in as you receive the nourishment from Mother Gaia, which begins to revitalize each one of the trillions of cells in your body. Open to receive this sacred communion of love, nourishment, and revitalization from the mother of all mothers. Breathe and soften, drinking in this love and light into each cell. As you deepen your breath, you feel a greater sense of lightness, wholeness, and unity. Open the palms of your hands. You can have them up on your legs, or if you’re laying down they can face upward with the intention of receiving. What is it that you have come here today to receive? What is it deep within your heart that you long to receive?
Breathe as we invite all our intentions to deepen and connect into the earth, anchored through the aromatic molecules that you’ve inhaled. Inhale again as you consider what it is that you would like to receive from this healing space. On your next breath, envision an emerald sphere of light that is pulsating right outside your heart space. The more you connect with this sphere of green light, the more it begins to expand until it fully encircles us. The beautiful cosmic connection of emerald light.
Breathe now deeply into the center of your heart space. As you align with your intention to come into your own sacred human heart, you are in this beautiful chamber of emerald light, surrounded by crystalline structures in all shades and gradations of emerald green.
Breathe deeply as you welcome the pulsating frequencies of light and healing into and through your cellular consciousness. Let your breath ease in and out until you feel each cell in your body receiving the pulsation of light. The light beams through each pore within your skin, into your blood, bone, and marrow, now bringing your consciousness to rest in the very center of your heart space, the Holy of Holies, this chamber of emerald.
Breathe as you see before you a beautiful mossy knoll. It is soft, warm, and inviting while sweetly fragrant. Envision yourself laying down upon the moss in this beautiful chambered emerald. What is it that you are ready to let go of? What are the places of sadness, loss, disappointment, betrayal, grief, abandonment, neglect? What have you held on to that is ready to be let go? What have you carried from this life and many lifetimes before? What wounds are ready to be healed? What patterns are ready to be transmuted? What emotions are ready to be released?
Breathe as you begin to let these frequencies go. They will be transmuted through this sacred emerald chamber and set free. What limitations are you ready to lay down as illusions? This is a time through no time of infinite potential and creation, quantum leaps and shifts in your consciousness and creative potential. What belief systems have you carried through your lineage that no longer serve you?
Breathe deeply. We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of spikenard and emerald. We anchor and actualize the fullness of your vibration, medicine, and wisdom through each and every layer of our fields, beings, cells, molecules, particles down to the portal of DNA, and to our mother and father bloodlines at a potency of 10 MM.
Breathe deeply as these layers of density are lifted through your being in accordance with your I AM presence- lifting, lighting, cleansing, clearing, and refining. Take another few deep breaths as these frequencies continue to clear from the DNA level and cellular consciousness. You may feel a tingling or see frequency or colors swirling.
Breathe deeply and when you are ready, go ahead and sit up on your mossy knoll. Feel the sense of elongation and strength in your spine. Within this sacred space, we invite in activation. Invite the presence of one or more of your ancestors and bloodline to come forward now. They have their own vessel of sacred aromatics for the anointed. One or more will come to you and anoint you on the forehead first in remembrance of your connection and divine source, your lineage of light. They will then anoint you upon your heart with the activation of ancient wisdom that has been carried through your lineage generation by generation. They’ve been waiting for this moment of remembrance.
Breathe in very deeply and open to this communion. You may receive a message or messages. Feel the love, feel the light, and continue to drink the light and any last messages and blessings from this communion with your ancestry. Bless them with a breath of gratitude.
Breathe and feel your heart continue to open and expand. When you’re ready, you can stand up, so your feet are on this mossy knoll. Sink into the earth. Feel the strength and revitalization in your body. Feel the new space within your heart that is filled with light and blessings from your ancestry. Continue to let the emerald light beam through each cell.
Inhale any oil left on your hands to bring this circuit of light and healing to completion, to complete this new memory cell forever held within your being. When you’re ready you can open your eyes and wiggle your fingers and toes.
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