Adora’s expertise was featured again in Healthline, where she shares about the potent transformative healing energies of positive intention. When we harness the power of the present moment in a mindful way, we can direct the flow of our energy, our cellular consciousness and our DNA, which responds to language and intention. When we combine affirmations with intention and the use of essential oils by inhalation, we have an alchemical synergy to Shift and Quantum Leap our healing, awakening and evolutionary journey of life.
Q: Can you briefly explain what affirmations are, how they are used and why they are beneficial?
Adora: Affirmations offer a potent alchemical synergy of intention, spoken word, and the mindfulness to harness the power of the present moment. Our intention directs the flow of energy within our physical and non-physical bodies, known as our energy field. This field of energy contains our chakras, also known as our energy centers. These centers receive and transmit information and experiences through our body-mind connection. The chakras are a map to our current physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well being and they are in constant flux. When we have a positive intention for beneficial change in a specific facet of our lives, we can work with affirmations to signal our body-mind to create the conditions for easeful energy flow towards our dreams and desires.
Q. How often should you repeat an affirmation? And how can you tell it's ‘working’?
Adora: Affirmations are best repeated three times with your mindful presence engaged. Repeating an affirmation without the potency of presence is only part of the recipe for success. Engaging as many senses of the body as possible along with the power of the mind creates the multifaceted formula to living a life of effortless intention where ease, grace and flow become part of your everyday life experience, regardless of what is unfolding around you. To further potentiate your affirmation, add your favorite pure essential oil blend to your intentional practice. This will anchor your affirmation into your cellular consciousness and the limbic center of your brain. Through the synergy of intention, affirmation and the inhalation of essential oils you can repattern the neural pathways of your brain with healthy and harmonious messaging to create a new life filled with the expectation of joy, love, vibrancy, connection, abundance and miracles. Your reality and life experiences and expressions therein are comprised of the most exquisite, malleable clay. You are the sculptor of your grandest life and most fulfilled destiny. What is it that you have come to create?
Sometimes the shifts in our awareness are subtle. I recommend journaling your experience of working with affirmations. There are moments when you will catch yourself responding in a healthier way to a person or a situation, or even that extra helping of dessert.
Q: What affirmations would you suggest for the root chakra? And how are these beneficial for the root chakra in particular?
Adora: I AM healthy and vibrant. I AM deeply and safely connected to my body and the Earth, the sacred ground beneath my feet. I honor my body temple with deep care and reverence.
Our root chakras represent our connection to the Earth, our bodies, our tribe or family of origin and our communities. How we care for our physical body and nourish our beings are directly related to this chakra. Our sense of feeling safe, secure and financially stable are also connected to our roots.
Q: What affirmations would you suggest for the sacral chakra? And how are these beneficial for the sacral chakra in particular?
Adora: I AM free to express my emotions in a healthy way. I honor my sensual expression in respectful ways. My creative expression flows with effortlessness.
The sacral chakra resents our creative expression. As the gateway to our emotional body, our feelings either flow healthfully through or are held back, creating disharmony in body and mind. Our sensuality and sexuality are also connected to this center, which desires authentic and intimate communion with another. In the sacral chakra, we invite deeper connection with the wise voice within us. It is that inner voice that can nourish and care for the self when all else is seemingly haywire in our outer world.
Q: What affirmations would you suggest for the solar plexus chakra? And how are these beneficial for the solar plexus chakra in particular?
Adora: My inner light and sovereignty are my birthright. My energy is my own. I AM empowered to live my best life. I make clear decisions.
The solar plexus represents who we are in the world and the niche we carve out for ourselves. The balance (or lack thereof) of power in relationships is held here and when there is a push or pull in our relationships in this regard, we often feel this in our “gut.” Our ability to build a sustainable world for our creative endeavors is fueled by a healthy solar plexus chakra. As the gateway to our mental body, clear and well thought out plans and decisions also require balance in this chakra.
Q: What affirmations would you suggest for the heart chakra? And how are these beneficial for the heart chakra in particular?
Adora: My heart is open to give and receive an infinite flow of love and compassion. I invite harmonious communion within all of my relationships. I AM a conduit for love and peace.
Our heart connects us to all of humanity and kingdoms of life around us. Our hearts desire wholeness and harmony and the deep desire to connect in intimate loving relationships. Our hearts can beam waves of love, gratitude and forgiveness if we so desire. It is through our beautiful heart that we can commune deeply with another regardless of language or other barriers of communication.
Q: What affirmations would you suggest for the throat chakra? And how are these beneficial for the throat chakra in particular?
Adora: I speak my truth with authenticity, grace and courage. I express my higher creativity with great ease and joy.
The throat chakra is our center for communication and self expression. There is a fine nuance of balance to speak our truth clearly, without cruelty, as our words can both create and destroy. A balanced throat chakra allows us to speak both with grace and also the strength of our convictions. The throat is also a center of higher creativity and the self expression of our personal freedoms.
Q: What affirmations would you suggest for the third eye chakra? And how are these beneficial for the third eye chakra in particular?
Adora: I see the vision of my life’s purpose with clarity and truth. The universal forces of benevolence desire to delight me in all manners of mystical synchronicity.
The third eye relates to inner and outer vision, intuition and the mystical aspects of nature and our physical relationship to the natural world. It is from here we can envision ideas and even sophisticated mental constructs to be materialized in the physical world.
Q: What affirmations would you suggest for the crown chakra? And how are these beneficial for the crown chakra in particular?
Adora: I AM aligned with my highest aspect of being. Divine light and love flow through me with ease, grace and clarity.
The crown represents our connection to Divine source, and a myriad of levels of consciousness for understanding the cosmic and universal nature of life and our multifaceted place within it. We can access expanded levels of consciousness through the crown and immerse ourselves in a far greater comprehension of connectedness of the great web of life.
“Our intention directs the flow of energy within our physical and nonphysical bodies, known as our energy field. This field of energy contains our chakras, also known as our energy centers.” ~ Adora
Q: Anything else you feel I should include on this topic?
Adora: My book, Detox, Nourish, Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood & Love, is rich with affirmations and information on the chakras and the alchemy of plant and vibrational medicine. One affirmation that I am continually drawn to from the book is: “I have everything I need within me to heal at the deepest levels. I AM THAT I AM. It is so important to consistently remind ourselves that everything we need on the soulful journey of life comes from within us. Our hearts, minds and soul carry the keys to unlock the greatest of our life’s challenges, offering solutions to even the seemingly largest conundrums we face.
Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational frequencies on the planet. It is a powerful co-creator of our life experience. When we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and an open mind, gratitude becomes more than a practice—it unfolds as a natural and organic response to our life experience. Every moment gives us the opportunity to be thankful, even when we cannot see it precisely in the moment. Cultivating a life based on gratitude for the challenging is a little trickier than experiencing thankfulness for the blessings and big wins, at first. Yet, with intention and the synergy described below it can change every way that we perceive the benevolent unfoldment of our lives.
My favorite current affirmation is:
I give myself permission to be healthy and whole in body, mind and spirit, throughout the totality of my being. I embody the biggest, brightest and best version of myself.
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