The alchemy of Release is all about embracing life. For most of us, it is effortless to enjoy life when we are feeling free and joyful, when we have something exciting to look forward to, or when new love is in the air. It is equally common that in seasons of unpleasant experiences and emotions, we find ourselves resisting, avoiding, talking down to, and turning away from what life is presenting. These moments of discomfort are too part of life in its fullness. Opportunities call out to us for self love, support, healing, kindness, and a compassionate, warm embrace so that we may return back to the inner sunny days. As we embrace the entirety of our experience for exactly what and how it is, the places that are held in pain, grief, or any amount of suffering have room to surface and release, paving the way for us to experience days filled with more freedom, joy, love, and harmony.
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