This is the first in a brand new series, the Life Pulse series. The life pulse is found within us and all of nature. Everything in life moves through waves of expansion, contraction, stasis, and how each of these waves is critical to not only our integration but our greater evolution and our deeper understanding of who we are and why we're here on the planet.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Assimilation
Welcome to the Seeds of Spirit Psychic Development Series. This is the final meditation and journey in our series, it is one of great assimilation. We will be journeying with Thuja Plicata, arborvitae, tree of life, an incredible healing aromatic, and labradorite for our mineral.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Direct Knowing
Our meditation journey will invite an expansion of our high sense perception of direct knowing through the crown chakra. Our crown center is all about connecting to divine consciousness and divine mind.
When we “just know” something without the basis, background or third dimensional knowledge this is an experience of Direct Knowing. To develop this psychic skill, bring your awareness to these moments as they pop up into your life experience, then do a little research to confirm your “divine source” of information, you just may surprise yourself. The more you allow this process into your life, the more you will trust and open to even greater experiences of psychic expansion.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Clairvoyance
Our meditation journey today is a continuation of our psychic development series and we're going to be working with clairvoyance, inner and outer vision.
This center relates to the chakra on both the front and the back. It is also the gateway to the celestial body, where we connect with our spiritual teachers, guides, guardians, and the realms of the angelic kingdom all through this particular energetic gateway.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Clairaudience
Welcome to our continued Psychic Development Series, this meditation journey will focus on the HSP (High Sense Perception) of Clairaudience, which is being able to hear and truly listen from an intuitive perspective. We will invoke the cleansing and purifying energy of the water element to create new space for clarity to flow.
The evolution of clairaudience is communication in Divine flow also referred to as channeling. The throat chakra is the hub of this form of HSP and the back of the throat center is also known as the channeling chakra. For those of you that have explored this connection through automatic writing and various other expressions, our connection to Source, your higher self, your guardian angel and the like offers a wealth of insight and loving support in our day to day life.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Akasha
Welcome to the Seeds of the Spirit group and the Psychic Development series. In this meditation we will focus on increasing the Akasha as a form of high sense perception.
Our meditation will center on Anahata, which is the Sanskrit name for heart chakra. This information came to me through meditation, and I am unsure if you will hear these points of reference made in other schools of healing. These insights have come through my own personal work with clients and writing.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Intuition
Welcome to the Seeds of the Spirit group and the Psychic Development series. In this meditation we will focus on increasing our intuition as a form of high sense perception.
Our meditation will center on Manipura, which is the Sanskrit name for the solar plexus chakra. Oftentimes, people don’t make a connection to the solar plexus for psychic development and psychic awareness. Yet it's a very important chakra because it connects into the high sense perception of intuition in the form of a vague sense of knowing.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Empathy
Welcome to the Empathy meditation of the Psychic Development series. Each week explore and recalibrate the seven major chakras and connect in with the high sense perception from that particular energy center. Each week I incorporate an essential oil and a crystal, so we can bring the alchemy of the plant and the mineral kingdom to work synergistically together for truly visceral shifts of consciousness right down to and through our cellular being and DNA level by working within each of the bloodlines. We do to clear the pathways and embody what it is we've come here to do and be, express, and experience on the soul level.
Read MoreSpring Equinox
The brightness of Spring. The reawakening of life. Not only does the earth come alive again in the northern hemisphere, but so do we.
Spring to me is time for ceremony, time for play, time to invoke the goddess energy and of course, time to spring clean and shed the heaviness of the last season of life.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Kinesthetic Sense
Welcome to the Kinesthetic meditation of the Psychic Development series. Each week explore and recalibrate the seven major chakras and connect in with the high sense perception from that particular energy center. Some of these may be new or a little bit different from some of the standard teachings, at least from the Brennan school.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Clearing Our Container
Welcome to our psychic development series! - This new 8 part series will focus on developing 7 aspects of HSP (High Sense Perception) to foster greater self reliance on your “inner mystic” and your personal guidance system.
Read More6 Reasons Why a Retreat is Essential to YOU in 2022
2022 brings the long awaited return to celebration, community and connectedness. The synchronistic numerology of this year brings the number 2 in plenty and the number 6 in whole. This is a year of abundance bringing harmony to relationships, social groups and communities small and large. We are called to retreat and replenish to truly advance along our own path of self mastery.
Read MoreAdora on Modern Alchemy and Soul Work
My embodiment of modern alchemy is a synergy of 3 pillars that anchor the universal truth and the creative potential of the triad: esoteric philosophy (personal evolutionary triad), psycho-spiritual dynamics (higher self, lower self, mask), plant and vibrational medicine.
Read MoreSurvive to Thrive: Transcend and Thrive
This is the final meditation in our Survive to Thrive series. We are going to be working at the pinnacle, the apex of the triangle in, the last area for self-actualization and the topic is transcendence and thriving.
Read MoreSurvive to Thrive: Actualization
Together, we have reached the 6th step in the Personal Evolution Triad. We have risen from the base step of Survival and Struggle. We are almost at the pinnacle, we're at the Actualization step, the sixth chakra: Ajna.
Read MoreSurvive to Thrive: Excavation
This is the fifth meditation in our Survive to Thrive series. This week we are going to be working with excavation, and we are going to be working with the throat chakra. The Sanskrit word for the throat chakra “Vishuddha,” means purification. The throat center invites us to excavate our soul path, and is all about liberation, self-expression, and feeling free to embody our most authentic truth and being able to articulate our highest truth with strength and grace.
Read MoreTruth
Once we realize that we are what we create, our focus begins to shift. We start to evaluate our words, actions and as importantly, our thought processes with the affirmation that to live life in love, non-judgment, healing and forgiveness is truth. This is the ALL. We are divinity and we are perfection. As co-creators and creators, the possibilities are endless. Limitation does not exist, unless you will it, after all free will does prevail. Do you choose to live your life in mastery or exist in a world of hopelessness and helplessness, as a perpetual victim? There is always a choice. Every time we berate and admonish a colleague, friend, family member or stranger, we are living in disempowerment. For it is only in our self-judgment that we stand, encountering our own reflection in those before us. By letting judgment and fear control us, we are denying that spark of divinity that is so brightly lit within.
Read MoreLoving Yourself First No Matter What
Self Love is the gateway for our greatest transformation and fulfillment. It is a bridge for our highest, wisest, and most vibrant selves to evolve and dance across.
Om Mani Padme Hum - Paying Homage to the Compassionate One: ourselves
Compassion for all our life experience, what we view as good, bad, and indifferent is a crucial component for creating and nurturing ourselves. It allows us to create the healthy, joyous relationships we most desire. Our relationship with self defines all others in our lives. Our inner landscape is filled with peaks and valleys of past experiences still shaping our current day reality. The valleys of unresolved emotion, that are held in the subconscious mind, filter our perception of reality and our ability to relate to ourselves and others in emotionally healthy ways. How can you bring kinder, gentler, and more loving to yourself today? How can you open to a greater sense of receiving in your heart, your being and your soul?
Read MoreSurvive to Thrive: Remembrance
Welcome to the fourth meditation in our Survive to Thrive personal evolution triad series. The personal evolution triad is based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then furthered by providing an understanding of how we can work with the aspects of the natural world—the alchemies of essential oils and crystals—and with affirmations and energy to anchor our intentions through the molecules of the aromatics into and throughout our bodies and beings. The triad focuses on not only a specific level of consciousness, but a system of the body and chakra as well, which allows us to really integrate and hone in our focus and intention to be able to create those quantum leaps along our pathway of self mastery.
Read MoreAkashic Records
The Akashic Records is a vibrational repository of every individual’s life. In my book Detox, Nourish, Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood and Love the Akashic Records is defined as “an etheric collection of each human soul’s lifetime (past and present) containing karmic information and soul level contracts. I think of the records as a tool, an intervention and as a map of sorts, that can help to illuminate our path and purpose in life. It can support us to find our passion, understand the patterns in our life that hold us back from greater health and harmony and to access a place of divine knowledge and ancient wisdom that we carry deep within our cellular consciousness. This “Hall of Records” also holds the history of humankind working with the medicines from the Earth. The plant and mineral kingdoms offer potent alchemical remedies for us to heal, awaken, transform and evolve our consciousness through their versatile application.
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