Welcome to the Seeds of the Spirit group and the Psychic Development series. In this meditation we will focus on increasing the Akasha as a form of high sense perception.
Our meditation will center on Anahata, which is the Sanskrit name for heart chakra. This information came to me through meditation, and I am unsure if you will hear these points of reference made in other schools of healing. These insights have come through my own personal work with clients and writing.
When we're able to deepen our heart connection and move through the layers of clearing and letting go of all that no longer serves us, we can open to the zero point field of limitless creation and tap into the HSP sense of Akasha. Here we can see and read past lives, whether it's our own or others that we come into contact or client work with as well as read energy through the DNA and through the bloodlines, which is profoundly transformative.
We are able to unlock the power that's held within our DNA and ancestry and also heal from a generational perspective, all of the different layers and levels of trauma that we've carried through our family lineage as well as our different soul expressions through lifetimes which all converge at the cellular level.
At the level of our DNA, we're able to harness this particular life, the power of the present moment, and bring healing through our lineage. Healing the past allows us to sculpt out and co-create the very highest unfoldment of a future, infused with all of the longings from our soul seat to be expressed and experienced in this life.
Crystal Alchemy:
Record Keeper Quartz medicine is incredibly rare. Its alchemy connects us to the Akashic Records, a vibrational repository of every individual’s life containing all karmic and soul level contracts. Tiny triangles, often in groups, are identifying marks on these quartz crystals.
These stones are very potent for meditation, dreamwork, and being able to access this expanded dimension of Akasha, and the Hall of Records. Accessing these fields invites us to explore the “blessons” in our current day lives, to access the wisdom of the past to deepen our understanding and assimilation of who we are at the soul level and why we are here now. There is great relief and fulfillment that can be felt from our soul to our cells in the greater understanding of our life’s purpose.
Journey with this crystal in meditation or dreamtime to access greater understanding of your past as it relates directly to your present. Similar in concept to going to an MD for diagnosis for physical imbalance brings resolution, understanding your spiritual connections elicit greater awareness of your soul work.
Essential Oil Alchemy:
Champaca medicine is wondrous and rare. It carries the pristine cosmic template and frequency of Divine love. Its alchemy is deeply expansive, coaxing our infinite potential of love outward spherically. It is the quintessential aromatic for heart centered access to the zero point field of limitless creation.
The consciousness and frequency of this flower is very high. It creates a loving and protective field when we're doing journeying work with past lives, as well using our HSP to read and understand the bloodlines that connect into and through the DNA and family heritage.
Call upon Champaca when you are ready to open to love and a life beyond limitations.
Go ahead and place one drop of champaca absolute on the palm of your left hand, which receives higher frequency, rub your hands together and take a deep breath in through your nose. What this does is it's creating a new circuit of light and healing within your brain and being, a brand new memory cell within your limbic system is being created right now through inhaling the essential oil.
Invite in the clarity of your intention to form.
This form of HSP, the Akasha, is really profound for when we're looking to find a greater understanding of the own aspects of struggle or trauma that we've carried generationally and to understand how they contribute to the evolution of our soul path.
You can go ahead and anoint your crystal, hold it in your hand or place it on your body and invite the clarity of your intention to intertwine around the aromatic molecules as they become anchors for your intention, anchoring into your blood, bone, and marrow.
Breathe, open, allow.
Allow the breath to ease in and out your lower belly and invite any stress or tension of the day, the week, and the times to dissipate and dissolve around you into the light.
As we're approaching the Spring Equinox, this beautiful time of new beginnings and fresh energy, It is a potent time on the planet to seed the intentions for what you'd like to create for yourself in this next season's light.
On your next breath in bring your awareness to the dantian, about an inch and a half below your navel, your energetic core, so that single frequency that holds you in the perfection of form that you are.
Breathe and allow the dantian to pulsate with the energy of renewal, inviting in revitalization.
Envision a golden line of light that drops down from the very center of your dantian, down through the root chakra, simultaneously down each leg, out through the soles of the feet, and all three lines of light converge at Earthstar chakra and sync.
Moving down effortlessly, layer by lane, sinking into Mother Earth.
Warm, inviting, welcoming energy, nurturing, loving mother energy.
Connect with the core crystal at the center of mother earth.
Invite her regenerative life force to move back up through the core crystal, coming back up through the layers of the earth, out through the Earthstar chakra, there's Amber light coming back up through the root and up through each leg, regenerating, revitalizing, and enlivening each cell down to the particle and structural level, you may feel a sense of tingling or awakening.
You may also feel a sense of lightness moving through your legs, up through the dantian point again, lifting your frequency.
This amber is now moving up through your torso, awakening each cell with this renewed sense of life, renewed joy of life, joie de vivre.
Pleasure and delight awaken each cell, moving up through the chest, each chakra, activating and recalibrating with this frequency of renewal, you may feel a sense of elongation in your spine, in your vertical power current .
Each level of the field and light are moving up through the chest, up through the throat and jaw, amber light renewing through your cellular consciousness, radiance beaming out of each cell.
Radiant light, moving through your blood and bone marrow, through your pores, which begin to become more radiant up through the skull and brain, all systems of the brain are renewed and this Amber light and life force move up through the crown and, like a fountain of Amber light, all the way through your auric field and then as a fountain pouring back down throughout the field, back to the Earth.
A sense of rejuvenation moves through the entirety of your being and now brings your consciousness to rest back in the center of the Earth. Feel a greater sense of ease and relaxation.
Now the group, in circular form, all those that are here now and all those that will join in the future, form a circle around a record keeper quartz, the circumference of an entire city block of Manhattan.
As you gaze upward, you see many terminations of the crystal that branch off, high into the sky, as if you’re looking up into a beautiful, clear sky.
You begin to feel a resonance, from the crystal, deep inside your heart.
Breathe, open, allow.
The resonance from the connection between the crystal and your heart begins to expand outward and you feel as if all your energy centers are blooming open.
All meridians bloom open, all cells open to receive the harmonic resonance from this sacred crystal.
Breathe deeply as your cells recalibrate to this frequency.
Now, the crystal beacons you to step inside, as the entire group steps inside the pristine, glorious, and loving energy embraces you.
You begin to rise up through the crystal.
As you are moving upward, you feel your frequency lift with the light as you expand into love.
Breathe deeply into your heart space, breathe into the perfect unity that exists within you.
Radiant light is beaming through each cell, your blood, bone, bone marrow, and each pore of your skin.
Now, bring your awareness to the inside of this crystal, where you seem to have stopped moving upward, suspended high above the Earth.
You take a step backward from the center of the crystal, now you are seated atop the highest peak you can see for miles.
The level of oxygen is increased, breathe deeply.
Receive the oxygenation from all around you, drink the oxygen into your cellular consciousness as you sit and stare out upon the most majestic beauty.
The field continues to open and expand, you can still feel the harmonic resonance of the crystal.
We call forth our spiritual teachers, guides, guardians, the presence of our highest self, I Am presence, the presence of the Mahatma, the source of unconditional love.
We call forth all realms of the angels, including the angels of the four directions, to stabilize this frequency and field of light, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. We call forth the angels of the zero point field to hold the frequency through the dimension of them and this creation.
Breathe, open, allow.
We call forth the presence of our ancestry, each bloodline, motherline, and fatherline. We call forth the beloved presence of the great record keeper, holding access points of the Akashic records that store hours of every human’s souls and lifetime.
Breathe into your heart space.
Invite your consciousness to rest in the center of your heart, into this beautiful, sacred chamber of crystalline, ruby light.
In this sacred chamber, you’ll see a round, golden table and golden chair. You are invited to sit.
Continue to breathe and open. Invite in communion with the beloved.
At the table in front of you, one of your spiritual teachers or guides comes to sit in front of you.
This guide has a message for you, on your particular soul path. This guide may show you scenes from previous incarnations that are relevant to what you have come into this life to experience, grow, learn, heal, create, emoby, birth, rebirth, and remember.
It is even possible to reincarnate in this life and form.
Invite in the infinite potential of your life in this present moment.
Everything is possible and can be healed, transformed, transmuted, and created.
Breathe as your soul begins to expand in light.
This being will continue to sit and communicate with you telepathically, or through frequency, color, or sound.
There are so many ways to communicate love.
You may sense other energy centers clearing or shifting as this greater level of light and understanding recalibrate your entire being and physiology.
Now you’ll notice that on the right side of the being, one of your ancestors from your father bloodline steps forward and sits at the table.
Breathe and open to receive the magnificence of love, compassion, healing, and light.
They may have a specific message or blessing for you.
Breathe in this wholesome light as your field reconfigures.
They continue to emanate this beautiful frequency to your heart.
On your left, an ancestor from your mother bloodline comes to sit at the table in love and blessing, an accepting embrace fills your being with such grace.
They may have a specific message or blessing for you. They may show you a particular image or memory that is relevant to your soul path in this life.
Feel the sense of loving support and fullness throughout your being.
We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of the record keeper quartz and champaca and we invite the fullness of your medicine, vibrational patterning, love, and light to anchor and actualize throughout the totality of our being.
We invite your cosmic consciousness, your vital life force to move through each cell particle and structure to and through the portal of our DNA and each bloodline fill our hearts, souls and cells with this blessed sense of love at a potency of 10 mm, now.
Breathe, receive, recalibrate.
You may feel movement in your physicality as you open to this beautiful frequency of pristine clarity and love. Bask in the bounty of this love as it fills your being completely.
When you are ready, offer a blessing of gratitude for each of the three beings who came to be in loving communion with you and know that you will hold them in your hearts for eternity.
Your heart is the true holy grail.
May your cup runneth over with love.
From this moment, may you know how loved you are, eternally.
Bring your consciousness from the mountain top, back to the center of the crystal and descend down back to the center of the Earth with great ease.
Bless mother earth with your love and thank her for this sacred communion.
We offer this healing for the earth and all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet.
May each kingdom of life, plant, mineral, animal, and human awaken to the spark of divinity, sovereignty that exists within us each and unites us as one. May all sacred human hearts beat in the remembrance of our oneness.
So be it.
When you're ready, take a deep breath of the oil left on your hands to complete this circuit of light and memory cell of healing.
Bring your consciousness back to the present moment.
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