Welcome to our psychic development series! - This new 8 part series will focus on developing 7 aspects of HSP (High Sense Perception) to foster greater self reliance on your “inner mystic” and your personal guidance system.
After this session, we will explore each of the seven major aspects of high-sense perception, starting from the root chakra and kinesthetic experience, all the way up to the crown and our connection to direct knowing. When we consider the nature of psychic development, we think of receptivity, connection, and opening. Before we can optimize our receptivity, the aspect of clearing is paramount. We'll be receiving attunements with the crystal and the essential oil alchemy for each of the core areas connected to high sense perception.
In this first meditation, we're going to be focusing on clearing and strengthening our container. What do we need to do to become more receptive, clear and to open ourselves to these mystical, innate, mystical aspects of our being and our intuition? How can we embody those quantum shifts and leaps along our own healing spiral, sustainably? This process of transforming and clearing the layers with practices like meditation, frequency and the alchemies of the natural world are one of the most expedient ways to enhance and build our skills of psychic awareness. And using the alchemies we’re going to work with right now.
In terms of infinite healing, we want to address our inner terrain as well as our outer. All of the aspects that can support our psychic development through what we put into our body. For example, drinking a lot of good quality, clean water is something that keeps our system receptive and able to connect with those higher frequencies and hold them in our physicality.
One of the other aspects of working with the essential oils and the plant medicine that is so invaluable in this process of psychic development is that through the aromatics ability to open not only our auric field but holographically, our cellular consciousness.
Penetrating through the cell wall, aromatically and penetrating through the blood-brain barrier, offering all of the phytonutrients and the plants’ quintessence. Working with essential oils through habitual communion increases our ability to become receptive to these aspects of intuition and psychic development.
Essential Oil Alchemy:
Sandalwood medicine is profound alchemy. It often takes up to three decades to form in the center of a tree. It has this beautiful affinity with the crown, as well as the root to open and expand, and then to move the energy through your vertical power current, through your main chakra channel, and cleanse, clear, soothe and open. It invites us to access those higher realms and dimensions of consciousness and bridge them to the Earth where we can actualize our potential. It is an aromatic that opens us to greater universal understanding.
When we think of our own high sense perception and whether it's a vague sense of knowing, clairvoyance, or clairaudience, our physicality is our instrument to be able to receive that information and intelligence.
Sandalwood is a rich and beautiful aromatic that opens all of our energy centers and meridian points with this viscous, thick, and beautiful spiritual essence. Its graceful strength attunes our bodies, physical and energetic, to open to receive the intuitive wisdom of the universe available to us in each moment.
Crystal Alchemy:
Selenite medicine is one of transmutation. It has a potent ability to lift density out of the auric field. It can be in both pink or white and comes in many shapes and sizes. This is a wonderful stone to work for clearing unresolved emotion or points of connection to trauma and you can even find it in wands with points for lifting heavy energy out of the field. It is effective to have multiple pieces by bed, by the front door, and by the computer, so it can help to absorb those lower frequencies, heavier energies, and essentially anything that you are ready to release and move beyond.
Go ahead and grab whatever essential oil that you'd like to have, place a drop on the left palm of the hand and rub your hands together. As you take a deep breath in, breathing in for about 30 to 45 seconds, invite the clarity of your intention.
What would you like to clear and strengthen within your container today? What are you ready to let go of so that you may open to deeper aspects of your ability to commune within and all around.
Bring your awareness to the dantian point about an inch and a half below your navel to your energetic core and just invite your breath to ease in and out, allowing any stress or tension from the day, the time, and this moment to dissipate and dissolve around you into the light.
Breathe, open, allow.
On your next breath in, envision a golden line of light dropping down from the center of the dantian, down through the root, which opens, and simultaneously down each leg moving out through the soles of the feet, which open, and all three lines of light converging at the Earth star chakra and sync.
Moving effortlessly, layer by layer, level by level, sinking into nourishing safety and the welcoming arms of Mother Earth. The welcoming, nurturing embrace of Mother Earth.
Feel yourself connect within the core crystal at the center of the Earth and breathe, open, allow.
Bring your consciousness to rest now in the center of the earth.
And as you look down, you see a small stream beginning at your feet, flowing gradually downward ahead of you. Notice a pathway illuminating either the left or right side of the stream, choose whichever path welcomes you. As you begin to walk along the stream soft melodic sounds of birds fill the air.
Faint and sweet aromas of flowers permeate your senses, as you gaze to see beautiful flora and fauna that is much like a welcoming mossy forest.
The air is cool and comforting, with each step you take, you feel a greater sense of ease and connection with Mother Earth.
All else seems to melt the way other than this beautiful communion with all of the elements of the natural world.
As you continue along the path of the stream, you begin to notice, up ahead, a very large tree that beckons you.
The stream seems to end at this tree and this sense of warmth and strength begins to communicate with each cell within your body. You feel with each step forward, that your energy centers open and expand in connection with this sacred sandalwood tree.
You may feel a tingling or quickening of energy within the centers or within the cellular consciousness. Now that you’ve approached the tree, place your right hand out to lovingly touch it.
You see your hand begins to sink inside.
There is a sensation, but it is vaguely familiar as the tree welcomes you inside. Stepping forward, you step inside the sandalwood tree and immediately begin to feel the sense of golden, liquid light pouring down through your crown, bringing great ease and receptivity.
Breathe as your field begins to recalibrate to this beautiful communion, strength, grace, and wisdom.
Every cell in your body begins to open and see the mystical encoding of the sacred sandalwood.
You begin to feel your arms automatically raise as if they’re becoming branches of the tree in the most natural way to continue to open and intertwine your own, unique, sacred geometric formation with that of the blessed vibrational pattern of sandalwood.
Breathe, open, feel your heart, each chakra, centers of the palms of your hands expand.
Sole and foot chakras expand to drink in the delectable liquid light, sacred elixir, great alignment, and receptivity of this medicine.
Breathe into the stillness.
Deep within the roots of the tree and of the Earth, large formations of selenite make their appearance and energy known to you.
As they invite in cleansing and purification from each chakra center, meridian, and layer level of the auric field.
Holographically, from each cell, molecule, particle, atomic structure, through the portal of your DNA and bloodlines.
Spirit of selenite offers its vibrational patterning of transmutation for you to simply let go of all that no longer serves the truth of your soul, the light of your being, and the truth of your quintessence.
As this liquid light and sacred sandalwood elixir continues to be poured through your crown, all layers and levels of your field, it awakens the mystical and divine nature that is your birthright, that will illuminate your highest path and purpose.
Inviting all else to ease and fall away, becoming absorbed and transmuted through the selenite.
We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of sandalwood and selenite.
We invite the fullness of your medicine, vibration, love, and light.
Actualize through every layer, level, cell, structure, all the time and no time, all aspects, all dimensions, and all realities at a potency of 10 mm, now.
Inviting this elixir of liquid light, sandalwood, to hydrate every cell, spiritize the matter within your being, and bless every particle that is you – physical and non-physical.
Feel this grand sense of being and openness within you, receive the communion with this ancient, blessed, and sacred tree.
As your soul is ancient and carries infinite wisdom and light.
Ancient symbols begin to dance within your cells and the joyous remembrance of the great light, wisdom and divine knowledge within you, awakening and reconnecting.
When this feels complete to you, offer a great breath of gratitude to this sacred tree and stones and to the breath of life that moves through you.
Through the essence of your breath and counselings, touch, each step and moment of communion with yourself and others, it is holy.
When you are ready, step out of the tree, bowing in grace and gratitude. The stream will guide you back the way you came. As you look ahead and regain the sense of the ground beneath your feet in your physicality, golden light begins to draw you forward back along the path from which you came.
This warmth and golden light seals your field in protection and blesses you in each step ahead from this moment onward.
We offer this healing for the Earth and all kingdoms of life, plant, animal, and human.
Awaken to the full remembrance of this spark of divinity and sovereignty that exists within us each and unites us as one.
Breathe in all that is left on your hands to complete the circuit of light, healing, and awakening.
So be it.
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