Welcome to part three of the Adora Frequency series: Rise. I invite you to connect with all of the places within your being, heart, soul, mind, life that you are being called to rise to new levels of leadership, inspiration, encouragement. To stand as beacons of light for yourselves, first and foremost, your loved ones, communities and the world at large.
Read MoreSOS: The Adora Frequency: Release
Welcome to our new meditation series on The Adora Frequency. A caveat here, it's not about me, Adora the individual, it's about the consciousness and flow state of Adora, which means adoration, honoring and the beloved one - whether it’s Latin, Spanish, or Italian.
Read MoreSOS: The Adora Frequency: Invitation
Welcome to our new series: The Adora Frequency. This is a unique series as it is part of a new wealth of information that I'm bringing in a new teaching, which is going to be transmitted through a program for the Soul Institute for Quantum Living.
Read MoreMary Magdalene: Divine Love
Welcome to the monthly Mary Magdalene healing circle. Tonight's meditation is on Divine Love and our alchemies for this evening are epidote for our mineral and agarwood or “oud” for our aromatic.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Anchoring Your Higher Self
Welcome to our last meditation journey in the High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade Series. We will focus on the crown center, Sahasrara. Our theme tonight is “Anchoring Our Highest Self”, and we are calling in the highest vibrational pattern that is available to us through the higher self.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Seeing Beyond the Illusion
Welcome to the Seeds of the Spirit High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade Series. Our meditation journey today is on the third eye to see beyond the veil illusion and the collusion.
Often we do not make the connection of collusion being part of our family dynamics or early childhood constellations, but whenever there's a sense of collusion, either between one parent, another sibling, or even ourselves when we were younger and we allied with one parent over another, it always creates a split.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Activate Your Authentic Voice
Welcome to the High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Activate Your Authentic Voice. In this meditation series, we are bringing a lot of new high level light codes and even chakra reconfiguration. We are collectively experiencing many shifts and changes as we evolve on our personal and collective path of self mastery.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Harmonize Your Relationships
Welcome to the High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade Series. In this meditation journey, we will be working with the heart center, Anahata.
The heart is our center for all human relationships and our relational cords connect to our primary lifegivers, our mother and our father.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Embracing Your Brightest Self
Welcome to the High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade series. Today we journey into the Manipura center, our solar plexus, and this meditational journey is all about embracing new levels of our empowerment.
Read MoreRetreat MythBusters: 5 Things You Wish You Knew
Vacation planning: Vision quest, health & harmony reset, day to day life disconnect? Everyone I talk to is itching for a new set of scenery for a few days to rejuvenate and restore vitality, clarity and zest for life. I hear and see a common theme arising: Am I living my true purpose? Am I living my biggest and best life?
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Embrace Your Feminine Power
Welcome to the second meditation in our new High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade series. Last week we explored the root center and even experienced a new set of guides, whether it was just one or a whole team that came in after an ancestral clearing, a new team was put into place.
Read MoreSOS: High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade: Release to Reconnect
Welcome to the first meditation in our High Vibrational Chakra Upgrade Series: Release and Reconnect. This is not your basic chakra balancing meditation. We are in this time of great evolution on the planet and we are constantly evolving just as mother earth is.
Read MoreSOS: Life Pulse Series: Integration
The past few meditations have been incredibly potent. Today we will weave together all the new levels of learning and integrate the experiences of the past to elevate our magnetic point of vibration and attraction to higher levels of consciousness.
Read MoreSOS: Life Pulse Series: Stasis
Welcome to the Life Pulse Series: Stasis meditation. We have moved through the phases of the life pulse that are found, not only within us, but also throughout nature: the cosmos, through the earth, in particular through our breath.
Read MoreSOS: Life Pulse Series: Contraction
Welcome to our weekly Seeds of the Spirit meditation group. This is our continuation of the life pulse series. This week our meditation is going to be coming into contraction.
Read MoreSOS: Life Pulse Series: Expansion
Welcome to our blessed healing circle, seeds of spirit meditation. This is our second meditation in this new series, life pulse. We are evolving so quickly here, personally, planetarily, cosmically. We have this beautiful opportunity to completely up-level our own vibrational game.
Read MoreSOS: Life Pulse Series: Opening
This is the first in a brand new series, the Life Pulse series. The life pulse is found within us and all of nature. Everything in life moves through waves of expansion, contraction, stasis, and how each of these waves is critical to not only our integration but our greater evolution and our deeper understanding of who we are and why we're here on the planet.
Read MoreJust Married? Try this Nuptial Ritual with Your Newly Wed
This ritual will delight all 5 of your senses further anchoring this beautiful experience throughout your brain and being.
The intertwining of two souls in marriage is the highest sacred contract that can be entered into between two people. This level of union solidifies a commitment that spans beyond all circumstances of life including all its peaks and valleys.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Assimilation
Welcome to the Seeds of Spirit Psychic Development Series. This is the final meditation and journey in our series, it is one of great assimilation. We will be journeying with Thuja Plicata, arborvitae, tree of life, an incredible healing aromatic, and labradorite for our mineral.
Read MorePsychic Development Series: Direct Knowing
Our meditation journey will invite an expansion of our high sense perception of direct knowing through the crown chakra. Our crown center is all about connecting to divine consciousness and divine mind.
When we “just know” something without the basis, background or third dimensional knowledge this is an experience of Direct Knowing. To develop this psychic skill, bring your awareness to these moments as they pop up into your life experience, then do a little research to confirm your “divine source” of information, you just may surprise yourself. The more you allow this process into your life, the more you will trust and open to even greater experiences of psychic expansion.
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