Commitment to Your Higher Path
Our focus for this meditation will be inviting a new level of commitment for the New Year from a holistic and multi-dimensional perspective.
Essentially until we can commit to ourselves, our own healing journey, our own process of self-awareness, self contact, self-love... the commitment to being here in this physicality, in this body, on this planet, within our family of origin, and being embodied here for the expression of our life purpose...until we can really commit to those aspects, how can we commit to anything outside of ourselves?
How can we commit to that goal to write a book, to get into better shape, to find a new relationship, or rekindle an existing relationship? It all starts with that internal connection and commitment to self and to the core self; our own quintessence.
As some of you may know, I am an aromatherapist and product formulator by two decades of practice and trade. About 10 years ago, when I was living in New Jersey, a group of Friends and business associates said, “Adora, you really need to create a product for commitment...something about committing and how important that is.” And I said to them, “that sounds like a great idea. I'm going to get to it. I'm going to make that product.”
Well, I didn't make that product until last year. It took me 10 years to make the product that people were requesting from me. And from a sales perspective, that's not very smart, right? People were literally telling me they wanted to buy a product from me, and I didn’t make it until 10 years later. But what I realized in that process is that I wasn't ready before a year ago to create it. I hadn't come to that place of deeper commitment to myself because the beauty of this human embodiment is that there is always another layer, always another level to explore within...that sacred spiral or the sacred labyrinth is one of an inner journey. And so we're all coming to different and new levels of self discovery and the ability to excavate greater levels of our quintessence. And so, as long as we have physical form, there's more to learn, grow and assimilate and new levels of commitment to ourselves.
True commitment is on the inner plane. Before we can commit to anything outside of ourselves, we are invited to explore, excavate and anchor the deeper commitment within.
I always work with an essential oil in our meditations. If you don't have the essential oil that I mention or any at all, that’s quite alright because we're going to be working with the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of the plant. I chose angelica root for this meditation around commitment. Angelica root is incredibly unique. It's very poignant, It's a bit intense, and It has that earthy ‘rooty’ aroma. When we're thinking about commitment and what essential oils are good for that, we want to think about the roots and the seeds that bring us deep into the earth...that bring us deep into ourselves.
If you do have any essential oil that you'd like to use for tonight's meditation, you can grab that now. Place a drop or two into the left palm of our hand, rub your palms together and breathe in.
And why do we do this? We do this because it opens our energy field, our chakras, meridians, and our cellular consciousness to be able to expand into the healing frequency and the sacred medicine of this meditation. Using essential oils with the meditations allows us to create a new memory cell within the limbic center of the brain, which will complete the circuit at the end. Lastly, when we use essential oils with our intentions for meditation, it helps to anchor the intentions into actualization within the cells, within the skin, within the bone, within the blood.
I also always work with crystal in our meditations. We invite the vibrational imprint from the mineral kingdom with the essential oil and the vibrational imprint from the plant kingdom. They work beautifully together from a holistic and synergetic perspective. You can use any crystal you have at your disposal.
I recommend red jasper because it is a grounding crystal. Amber and hematite are also great choices. You can either hold the crystal in meditation or put it on your body in some facet. You can anoint it with your oil if you choose. And if you do not have any crystal to meditate with, again we will be working with the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of both red jasper and angelica root.
On the next deep breath in, bring the focus of your attention down to the dantien point, about an inch and a half below your navel...that single note that holds you in physical form, the uniqueness and vibrancy that only you are.
Breathing into the lower belly, allowing the stress and tension the day, the morning, the evening to fall away; to dissipate and dissolve. Inviting a golden line of light to drop down from the very center of the dantien, down through the root chakra, simultaneously down through each leg, and out through the soles of the feet. All three lines of light converging at the earth crust chakra and sink.
Sinking effortlessly down through each layer of the earth and connecting deeply in with the core crystal. Connecting in with the strength, the vitality, the safety and security of Mother Earth. Feeling the sacredness of the ground beneath your feet. Allowing your consciousness to come down to the sacred chamber at the very center of the earth, filled with golden luminescent light.
Invite the warmth and the resonance of this light to permeate each layer of your field into the skin, feeling the warm and loving radiance. This luminescent golden light begins to penetrate and permeate your skin, your blood, bone, marrow, into each gland and organ.
Inviting in the pleasure of the golden luminescent light to lift your heart. Coming now into the very center of your heart space, allowing the breath to fill the heart and bring your consciousness into the Holy of Holies, the dimension of the zero point field, the dimension of limitless potential.
Envision yourself standing at the very center of your heart, which opens to a whole universe of life. Beautifully vibrant forms of nature surround you and at your feet is it a small pool of silver water. This water contains the vibrational imprint and frequency of the Holy Spirit.
And as you reach down with your right hand and ask for a blessing of purification from the source of divine consciousness, you cup your hand to receive the sacred water of life. Bless each of your seven chakras with this sacred water and then a blessing of purification over your eyes, nose and mouth. Blessing and purifying all that you have seen, all that you have spoken and every toxin you have inhaled. And with another cup of water from your hand, blessing each ear to purify all that you have heard.
Feel the frequency and cleansing from the sacred water penetrate down to the cellular consciousness to the portal of DNA through the mother and father blood lines. And breathe. Breathe as your frequencies recalibrate.
On the next breath in, bring your attention back to the dantien point, feeling the dantien pulsate with renewed life and life force. And we invite you to renew your commitment to this incarnation, to this physicality, to this divine purpose, and to the light and quintessence that is yours and yours alone.
We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of angelica root and red Jasper. We invite the fullest of your medicine, your vibration and your spirit to be transmitted to each of us down to the cellular particle, structure and matrice level through the DNA, through each of the bloodlines, through our bone, blood and all aspects of our physical and non-physical beings at a potency of 10 mm NOW.
Breathe deeply. Each layer of the field is recalibrating; each vortex, each one of the trillions of cells in your body recalibrating.
We offer this healing to the earth and all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet, all life is sacred. So be it.
You can inhale any oil still left on your hands to close the circuit, complete the new memory cell fully anchored in your consciousness. Breathing a breath of gratitude for every moment of your life that has brought you here and now. In the sacred light of who you are, the divine light of who you are, the human light of who you are.
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