Blog 2

Every week in our virtual Seeds of the Spirit meditations, we have a focus. This week’s meditation is on transmuting resistance, which is something we all have and experience. When thinking about this topic, I reflected back to a little over a year ago when I started writing my book and how it triggered all of these places of resistance. Why? Because this was such a dream, such a longing, such a positive intention of mine. Resistance is simply energy that's coming up for us to notice, to embrace and to transmute. In the process of doing that, we really get to look at the aspects of our lower self, our unconscious negativity at a subconscious level that arises when we least expected. In that process, it really made me consider that we have layers of it that rise to the surface as we elevate to a new level of consciousness,  a new level of awareness and healing. It prepares us to peel back the next layer of the onion.