This is the fifth and final meditation in our element series, featuring ether. Ether is known as quintessence, or life force ready to be crafted into form. Similar to how an essential oil represents the quintessence and life force of the plant. Unlike the other elements that we’ve explored, either is unmanifested and so it is difficult to contextualize. It has no space, it is infinite, it is light, it is still, and yet it exists all around us. Ether is this beautiful universal frequency that with the clarity of our intentions, we can co-create with it in a very synergistic way.
As always in the meditations that I offer, we will work with a plant and mineral aspect to align with their alchemical frequencies and vibrational patterns to help us heal, awaken, activate, balance, and clear right down to the DNA level and to the level of our bloodlines. This holographically shifts our whole frequency through our chakra system, nervous system and through every level of our auric field. I equate the auric field with ether because when we consider our energy fields, they vibrationally carry all of the experiences that we've had in the past. At the same time, there's still the frequency of all of the experiences that are still unfolding for us.
I recognize this as perhaps one of the most alchemical elements because we're able to move into the frequency of the void (of the unmanifest), and then with the might of our “I Am Presence” and the divine nature that flows within us and our intentionality, which is our free will, we're able to harness that energy and then sculpt it into essentially whatever we would like. This is how we can learn to spiritize matter. This is one of the most beautiful gifts of ether.
I chose amber for both the essential oil and the crystal. As an aromatic, amber is distilled from the resin, which is the fossilized representation. In terms of the crystal aspect, even though amber isn't a gem or crystal per se, a lot of the amber that was found on the planet is over 300 million years old. From the perspective of the ancient wisdom that is held vibrationally within the amber, whether it's In the physical version or the aromatic version, all of that ancient wisdom is able to come into our systems and activate the latent wisdom within our DNA. When we're co-creating in meditation with the beautiful element of ether, it gives us the ability to unlock the ancient wisdom within us and to be very clear and intentional about what we would like to co-create with ether, with what has the potential to manifest.
Amber medicine invokes the ancient wisdom held both deep within the earth as well as in our DNA. Inhaling the aromatic molecules of amber is akin to inviting waves of sacred mysticism to move throughout your being deep from within your core. All that you seek is held within. Amber medicine calls you back to your core and remember that you are both the alchemy and the alchemist co-creating a life beyond limitations with the elements and intelligence of the natural world.
If you have an essential oil, it doesn’t have to be amber, place a drop on the left palm of your hand, as the left hand receives higher frequency. Rub your hands together and take a deep breath in as you invite the clarity of your intention, allowing your intention to intertwine with these aromatic molecules as they move through your olfactory senses to your brain, to your amygdala and to your limbic center, creating a new circuit of light and a new memory cell that will be infused with the vibration and communion of this sacred healing meditation.
Breathing in deeply also opens the auric field, energy centers, meridian points, and cellular consciousness, and because the aromatics are lipid soluble and minute, they're able to pass through to the blood-brain barrier and offer the full gamut of their phytonutrients to our blood and brain for deep levels of healing and activation.
Amber medicine comes forth from the resin, which is the fossilized representation derived from evergreen trees. Much of the amber found on the planet is over 300 million years old. Sacred knowledge and ancient wisdom is coded within this resin to activate the latent wisdom within our DNA, similar to the aromatic. Amber is a stone of magic and mysticism that invites us to come back into harmony with nature and our inner wisdom. Amber opens the sacral chakra to allow for greater expression of our sacred sexuality. It also beckons us to awaken the healer within and bring greater awareness and practice of self care.
You can anoint your crystal, you can put it on your body, you can hold it, or you can simply have it near you.
On the next breath in, invite your attention and intention to connect deeply with your dantien, about an inch and a half below your navel. This is the single note or frequency that holds you into the perfection of this human form that you are. Breathe in amber light into the dantien until the amber light begins to expand and pulsate its life force. A golden line of light drops down from the center of the dantien and down through the root, simultaneously down each leg and out the soles of the feet. Inviting your foot chakras to expand NOW. All three lines of light converge at the earth star chakra and sink.
Golden light moving effortlessly down each layer of the earth and converging with the glorious core crystal at the very center of Mother Gaia, which begins to pour amber light back up through the hara line, out through the earth crust chakra, back up through the legs, through the root, and back to the dantien, which begins to increase the pulsations with this renewable life force. Revitalizing each cell down to the subatomic particles with amber light.
Breathe in deeply as this amber frequency and light moves up through the body, through each level and layer of the field, through the bone, the blood and the marrow until each one of the trillions of cells within your body is beaming this amber light and life force. Amber light moving up through each chakra, through the heart, the third eye, out through the crown, up through the antahkarana, and up through the higher realms. Breathing in the universal presence of divine consciousness.
We invoke the element of ether, of all that is seen and unseen, past, present, future, still unfolding and unmanifest. Infinite universal life force beckons your creational effortless intention. We call for the masters of alchemy through the ages and planetary constructs, all dimensions and realities of time and no time. We invite our highest aspects, “I Am Presence”, spiritual teachers, guides, and guardians of the highest ultimate realities of light that wish to co-create with us this evening.
We call forth the cosmic consciousness and vital life force of amber. We invite the fullness of your ancient wisdom, vibration, spirit, and light to awaken the ancient wisdom deep within our DNA, deep within our soul and cellular structure, holographically. Each cell holds the infinite potential and imprint of your soul blueprint and the sacred Intelligence, quintessence awaiting the divinely perfect moment to awaken and activate.
We invoke the full spectrum of amber as the aromatic and as the resonance of the crystalline form. We invite the fullness of your spirit to anchor and actualize throughout all matrices, the DNA and bloodlines at a potency of 10 mm NOW. Breathe deeply. You may feel a deep stillness or rapid swirling of light around you. You may feel both. Invite in the grandest intention that is held within your being, as we begin to sculpt and co-create with this sacred chemical element. We align with the presence of the zero point field of limitless creation. We invite in the template of miracles from the pristine and pure cosmic perspective.
Breathe deeply as you feel your field continue to expand. The amber light and divine consciousness activates throughout your being to each layer, level and vortex to and through the bone, blood, marrow, cells, and subatomic structures.
Activating the latent light codes within your DNA and allowing the benevolence of ancient wisdom that is held there to come forward to your consciousness. The sacred patterning of each of the four elements is imprinted throughout the element of ether and offers the quintessence of limitless potential.
Put forth your intentions for the grandest design for your life, joy, health, vibrancy, abundance, loving harmonious relationships, and for the actualization of your soul purpose and divine mission. Invite in the highest ultimate reality of heaven upon earth for our beloved planet and for the restoration of the original blueprint perfected from creator, source, and light. And for the restoration of the pristine nature of all the elements and planetary constructs.
You are both the alchemy and the Alchemist, spiritizing matter through your breath that carries the resonance of spirit. The breath of life, shekinah. All that you touch alchemizes from this highest, purest potential and perspective, that which is held all throughout you.
Awakening now within each cell, streaming light and amber life force through your DNA, holographically through your bone, blood, field, organ, gland, system. Through this intention, lifting the frequency of all matter upon this planet, all kingdoms of life upon this planet that we honor.
We offer this healing for the earth and all kingdoms of life upon this sacred planet. May we fully awaken to the spark of divinity and sovereignty that exists within each of us and unites us as one, one unified expression of source. So be it.
Take a deep breath, inhaling any oil left on your hands. This completes the circuit and new cell held within your memory and consciousness. When you are ready, bring the focus of your intention back to this moment, back to the present now.
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