Every month we come together to celebrate the divine feminine in all of her forms, phases and facets.
We unite in sacred space as a community to support each other, to nourish each other and to elevate each other for when we elevate one another we elevate ourselves. As women we heal in community, we don't heal through isolation, or separation, or competition. It's when we can come together from a place of authentic self, with our hearts open that we can truly hear each other. We remind ourselves and each other how important it is to listen to that inner voice of wisdom, our own wise women within. It is that voice of our highest nature that never leads us astray.
Every goddess is a little bit different in their particular sacred medicine and mysticism. Some Goddesses may be focused for love, where some might be more for healing or prosperity. We work with a different goddess so we can ignite a greater relationship with her and through her with ourselves, so that we may intertwine her magic with our own. This synergy excavates and enhances a place of our own self realization, deepening the connection and expression of our unique quintessence and the awareness of our own magic, creativity and empowerment. This is a journey of remembering how to use the limitless potential of the alchemical elements and intention to create from our soul’s desires. Crystal healing, essential oils, sacred geometry, quantum physics, and ritual are all part of our alchemical amalgamation. Monthly, I create a sacred synergy for each goddess that anchors her energy and vibrational imprint within our cellular consciousness, beyond our sacred circle together.
As your ally, guide and modern alchemist, I often am asked about alchemy. Historically, alchemy is known as the process of turning base metals into gold. When I talk about alchemy, I'm speaking about transmuting the places that we all have within us of separation, struggle, fear, and anxiety and transmuting them to energies of empowerment, passion and purpose. I am also asked about Quantum Alchemy. We are at an evolutionary point of consciousness, where it’s possible to transform and leap in quantum ways along our own journey of transformation and personal growth. We can come to understand why we have incarnated on the planet at this time, what unique gifts we bring and how we can create in a more exquisite way of living with ourselves and each other.
One area that I appreciate during the time of Covid 19 is that we are collectively going through a period of reset. All of humanity is slowing down in an unprecedented way so we can come to a place of deep introspection and ask ourselves who am I? Why am I here? Where have I been? Where am I going? Am I on point or do I need course correction? Am I living my dream or my purpose? Am I living in right relationship with myself and my core relationships..colleagues, community and Mother Earth?
We have a beautiful opportunity to take the time to bring light, healing, forgiveness, compassion, and love to ourselves as we start to redefine who we are, and our relationship to the world around us. We can ask deeper questions of the evolving nature of the planet and how we can expand our perspective to engage in a new way. Even though our experiences of loss, grief and change may vary from person to person, or family to family, we are all going through this together. And we can heal deeply, collectively wherever we are on our spiral journey of life.
A little over three months ago, when setting my daily intentions, I would pick the same card from my oracle deck, that of Freya. She is known as the Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, mysticism. She is also the goddess of death and change... I was intrigued. I took it that change was coming into my life, but I couldn't put my finger on what aspect. I then recalled that about two years ago when the Goddess circle was in Asheville, we had celebrated Freya, and that I had created a sacred synergy in her name. I realized it was in part a message to remake. Its bright aroma of lemon verbena with floral notes of jasmine, creates a delicious aromatic alchemy. Remembering its potency, I begin to use it and call in her unique aspects of her healing; protection, spiritual and protecting energy. These elements are germane right now to our collective. It's easy to become drained, anxious or fearful of what's going to happen next. This formula in particular is nourishingly grounding.
As we go into this mediation invoking goddess Freya and protection, let us ground down our energy fields in a completely new way to the earth. We can benefit from even 5-10 minutes a day to calm and align our energy fields. Making it easier for us to assimilate the energies pouring down upon the planet as we go through this great shift and transition, increasing the vibration of the planet and all of our systems as well. Mediation helps us reconfigure and flow with these energies in a way that's more harmonious for us.
Essential oils that align with Freya - lime, lemon verbena, jasmine, geranium
The Goddess Freya Spray Myst and Meditation Roll On will be available soon in our store.
We will be working with the mystical aspects of Freya: energies of protection and letting go of old phases, cycles, emotions, patterns, belief systems and glass ceilings that you find are limiting you in some way.
I recommend you place some of your favorite essential oil blend in your left palm, as your left hand is the receptive hand to receive higher frequency. The palms bring the vibration and biochemical aspects of oil into the system, consciousness and energy fields to work with healing from a holographic perspective.
Inhale your chosen essential oil. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in letting the stress and density of the day fall away, letting it go. We call upon the energies of Source light, Mother, Father, God, the Holy of Holies. We call forth the presence of the Elohim, your spiritual teachers, guides, guardian angels. Angels of the four directions: Rafael east, sacred sound and thought. Michael in the South, the element of fire, sacred transformation and transfiguration. In the West, Gabriel and the element of water, sacred fluid bodies upon Mother Gaia; deep cleansing and purification. In the North, Uriel and the element of Earth; the sacred ground beneath our feet, of deep nourishment, structure, abundance, and protection. We call forth the presence of the Divine Mother, energies of the Goddess known by many names, Freya, Isis, Mary, the Magdalen, Ishtar, Diana, Venus... we welcome and honor thee.
Take a deep breath into the very center of your heart, entering the zero point field; the place of limitless creation. All creative potential. Open your hearts, align your will with Divine consciousness. Take a moment now to put forth silently your personal intentions.
Take a moment when you are complete to put forth your intentions for Mother Earth, for all kingdoms of light upon this beautiful planet. Cleansing light upon all of Mother Earth, the great healing and awakening for human kind.
With the release of the virus, and a return of the original blueprint, perfected from the creator mind, for Earth and all of her inhabitants. The plant kingdom, activated with the full spectrum of its medicine and vibration. Mineral and animal kingdoms, activated full spectrum vibration and healing. For the human race to connect with the divine consciousness of light, of love. Awakening the voice of truth within.
We call upon goddess Freya. Freya we ask for your blessing, your energetic imprint of light, of protection, of sacred medicine, the remembrance of love, and the mystical powers that lay dormant within. May we remember how to dance within our own light and to shine light upon the world and each other. With magnificence, with glory, with freedom.
Continue to breathe in deeply. Inviting this light to dance with each of your cells, molecules, particles, subatomic structures within your being...dancing, illuminating, connecting, communing. Giving yourself permission to be your fullness of light, of beauty, of strength, of courage, of love, of mysticism. Keep heeding the calling to rise; to rise up and shine your light in a way that you have not yet before. What is it that you have come to bring to this world? Listen. The voice of truth resides within you. Deep breath in. Allow these energies to integrate and assimilate. Feel the relaxed calm, the peace, the presence. Offer goddess Freya a prayer of gratitude and invite her to stand with you, to walk with you, in front of you, behind you, around you...in protection, illumination, and boldness.
We give thanks to all energies and beings of light who surround us in this moment and in all moments, we thank you.
If you enjoyed this blog, I invite you to join the Adora Quantum Community and explore our vast library of alchemical resources to curate and elevate your path of self-mastery.
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