Timoria McQueen, Professional Makeup Artist

“I don’t tend to believe that I can just spray something in the air and magically my life will be in order and I will be infused with a sense of calm. Plus, I didn’t want my newly straightened hair to get frizzy from any moisture. Calista assured me that the formula really worked and my blowout would not be ruined. So there I was in Whole Foods... spraying the clearing spray… high into the air on a Tuesday morning. As the refreshing blend of lemon, grapefruit, sage, peppermint and rose wafted through the air, I suddenly felt really great! I didn’t want it to be true. I tried to resist the feeling, but I couldn’t help it. I went from having the worst morning ever to feeling refreshed and energized. All the tension and frustration I had been feeling disappeared.”