Maps of Your Divine Design

Understanding Your Unique Trinity

“Know Thyself, and thou shalt know the universe….”
Thales of Miletus

Spiritual Alchemy is the life long journey of distilling the quintessence of your soul blueprint for the fulfillment of your life purpose. We are vast spiritual beings who have chosen the limitation of physical form.  To learn how to master our specific soul lessons for growth, to harness the power of our mind, uncover the infinite nature of love within our hearts, and the incredible wisdom within our souls-this  journey of self mastery is how we learn how to create a life beyond conditions. This  invites you to move beyond any and all third dimensional thoughts and beliefs of what is and what is not possible.  

We live in a planetary construct based on the Law of Three, or the Triad. We see the manifestation in the holistic concept of body, mind, and spirit, and of the triple Goddess, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Harnessing the power of the triad allows us to manifest and actualize our intentions in a clear and expedient manner. 

The Soul Higher Purpose Triad

We are each configurations of the triad.  The three aspects of our own trinity are engaged and they are longing for unity and greater coherence. 

In one vertex, we see our mother aspect. This represents our relationship with our mothers, all dynamics and intelligence held within our family lineage on the female side, and from a higher spiritual perspective our views and relationship with the Divine in feminine form. Our feminine nature is yin in nature, receptive – -presenting our power inward; it is  intuitive, wise, creative, nurturing and sensual. 

In the next vertex, we have the male aspect. This represents our relationship with our fathers, all dynamics and intelligence held within our family lineage on the male side, and from a higher spiritual perspective our views and relationship with the Divine in male form. Our masculine is yang in nature. It represents courage, strength, confidence, leadership, and power outward in a balanced facet. 

The third vertex is our child aspect.  This represents the child consciousness and all core wounding and unresolved trauma that took place in our early stages of development. Our child is always looking for “perfect love” and for another person to fill the void. Confusion, uncertainty and emotional peaks and valleys are often present when the child’s consciousness is engaged. Based on the core family dynamic patterning, an alliance is formed with one parent over another creating an imbalance in relationship to the inner masculine and feminine nature.

The child begins to view the opposite parent through the eyes of the ally. That viewpoint and all the perceptions held there begin to mold the belief system and vantage point of reality of the child. For example, if the child allies with his or her mother, she begins to absorb the mother’s beliefs, images, and viewpoints of men, positive and negative, as truth. 

From the point of conception through the developmental stages of youth, the core wounding and unresolved emotion we experience through trauma holds all the information we require to sift through the lessons required to actualize our life purpose. This is the where and how our core patternings are imprinted.


Our early childhood dynamics, particularly in relation with our primary caregivers hold the treasure map of our life purpose. Our family heritage and DNA level core dynamics form the blueprint of ‘blessons’ we have come into the life to experience, learn and grow from. 

This is the guiding map to source our Divine quintessence and life purpose. 

From conception through growth, our experiences imprint on our cells through physical, emotional, and spiritual occurrences. Events that challenge and shock our system with pain, perceived or actual, are traumatic to our physical and our non physical bodies. These experiences are stored in both our energy field and our cells and this creates a magnetic pull for similar experiences and dynamics until the core pain is released. We can then assimilate the wisdom of the experience for our soul’s growth. As we expand our conscious awareness to receive the goodness that we have always been, we come closer to actualizing our soul purpose on a personal and planetary level.  

All unresolved past life experiences are held in this “map,” from our soul to our cells, from our auric field and DNA through to our subconscious. This can include unresolved past life ‘time capsules,’ and simultaneous parallel lives. As we experience a physical pain, disease process, or an emotional feeling or memory, we can access the energy points to move along our own timelines to find the ‘roots'  of imbalance. We can then clear the path for full- spectrum healing. and transform our past, present, and future selves.

In the very center of the triad lies our life or soul purpose. When we have reached a tipping  within our own healing trinity, our soul purpose emerges and our lives are driven with a purpose that comes from deep within. In synchronistic harmony, our bodies become vehicles of profound alignment and flow of the soul, heart and mind, creating life from effortless intention.  It is then we can actualize our soul purpose for incarnating in life and receive quintessential fulfillment. Each individual's  purpose is unique, based on the lessons your soul has come into incarnation to experience, assimilate, and evolve from. 

Spiritual alchemy offers you a deeper understanding of your unique journey-a choice to connect the  dots of your past, make the connections of your early childhood family dynamics and rise beyond past patterns of limitation to open to a new experience of love, joy and harmony in life today. 

It is understanding of our past that inhibits us from repeatedly making the same choices that do not work out, and allows us to create a new future of vibrant abundance: love, money, support, connection, health, clarity and inspiration. 

Our human nature does not change until we understand why we act, and react the way we do. 

What patterns keep repeating themselves in your life? What are your trigger points and where in the past they are rooted?

When the  greater wisdom and understanding of your life lessons emerges, these natural aha moments become an ahhhhh- a sigh of relief and release. 

“I did then what I knew how to do. 

Now that I know better, 

I do better.” 

– Maya Angelou