Blood Orange, organic

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Blood Orange, organic


Citrus sinensis

Blood orange medicine is incredibly beautiful and filled with uplifting life force and Joie de vivre. This is a wonderful oil to come into any places where there has been heaviness from our past and transmute them to places of joy and the expansion of our light. Once we allow ourselves to feel into the soft pain of the past we are able to open up and clear the energy or trauma block. Then that frozen energy, quintessence and life force bubbles to the surface and fills the entire auric field, holographically down through our cellular consciousness, and down through the level of the DNA. When we view ourselves as sculptors, we can re-craft those aspects of our old story and then sculpting them in a new way that's filled with joy, vibrancy, empowerment, and infinite possibility. Blood orange helps to open these channels for your being to be open to joy once more.

Blood Orange essential oil country of origin: Israel

10ml bottle.

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Safety: Dilute prior to use on skin. For external use only. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Store in a dark, cool place.