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Soul Institute of Quantum Living: Faith, Trust and Surrender

Each month our group will unite in intention for planetary awakening and to invoke our collective mighty I AM presence to expand our light and consciousness for the benevolence of humanity.

We will work with plant and vibrational alchemical interventions to bring healing through our individual aspects to the planetary perspective in support of the Great Shift and awakening of humanity.

In this time of Great Shift, we are being called to the very edge of our comfort zone to open, align and leap into greater experiences of faith, trust and surrender. This paves the path on a personal and planetary level for us to expand into our multidimensional nature and create heaven on earth. We will bring healing to our communication chakra and the etheric template that encapsulates the resonance of Divine Will to strengthen these aspects of our empowerment.

This is an all inclusive complimentary monthly meditation event.

Recurring monthly, every fourth Tuesday

Join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 850 3774 1905

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Meeting ID: 850 3774 1905

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