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Mary Magdalene Monthly Sacred Circle Meditation

Adora invites you to commune with Mary Magdalene's sacred mysteries for healing, personal transformation and self mastery.

About this meditation event:

Have you ever experienced the true nature of Divine Love?

Divine love bathes us in blessing, understanding and acceptance of all of who we are and everything we have experienced in this life and beyond. 

When you open to Divine love, every part of your being is held in the grace of the Divine. 

Adversity that you have experienced in the past comes into a new level of understanding. 

Self judgements you have carried dissolve and you remember that you have never been alone, separate or left behind. 

You have always carried the place of Oneness within you. 

Mary Magdalene offers us deeply spiritual and yet tangible teachings from the human perspective. By immersing ourselves in the ancient and sacred places that carry her energy, mystical experiences will invite us to open and remember our true potential of LOVE.

As we invoke the frequency and consciousness of Mary Magdalene in Southern France this fall, we will release any places of past heartache and loss, and any heavy energies that are held in our heart space, so we can move into a much greater understanding of divine love.

I invite you to OPEN and receive a new experience Divine Love as we AWAKEN to a greater understanding of our own unique potential to live life beyond limitation.

Free event,
recurring every 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00-7:30pm EST

For questions, please contact Adora: