Meditation Alchemy

The pillar of guided meditations and visualizations offers insight and  practice to clear, balance, and activate & deepen your body-mind-soul-divine connection.

What is meditation?

Mind-body practices that have been around for centuries are becoming more modern-day, accessible tools to elicit greater health and harmony in life. Meditation is a mindfulness practice that involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts, ultimately inducing a state of deep relaxation.

Meditation allows us to explore our emotional triggers and habitual responses. It is through this practice we can visualize healthier ways of thinking, feeling, and increased emotional resilience. When we allow our body and mind to quiet, we can untangle our thought patterns and renew mental clarity. From the esoteric perspective, meditation invites us to open and receive a greater connection to our own divine light, commune with our inner mystic and align with our authentic truth. 

What are the researched benefits?

The practice of meditation, a prolonged attention exercise, has, in studies such as Magan, D, et al “Brain Plasticity and Neurophysiological Correlates of Meditation in Long-Term Meditators”, been shown to “potentially enhance the explicit functions of the right hemisphere.” In other words, possibly strengthening an individual’s recall and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, numerous studies have shown the positive impact of meditation both during and after cancer treatments. Regular meditation practice can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving emotional well-being. It can also enhance immune system function and help individuals develop a sense of control and empowerment over their health.

To Learn More About Meditation:



Adora’s Book: Detox, Nourish, Activate