love alchemy

The pillar of the Love Frequency is the master key, which weaves throughout all pillars. It empowers The Modern Alchemist within you to live and thrive in sacred self-leadership of your most authentic and abundant purpose filled life.

The Love Frequency represents a profound spiritual, emotional and energetic state where love becomes the central force in shaping all facets of your life. By exploring the complexity of your humanity and aligning with the science and psychology of love and the metaphysical nature of love alchemy, a path to your greater liberation and fulfillment opens before you.

the science of love

The foundational science of love explains the biochemical effects of love, focusing on how hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin foster connection, joy, and well-being.  From a biological perspective, your heart has a complete neural network of over 40,000 sensory neurites. Similar to the neurons of the brain, they think, feel, sense and remember, independently of the brain. From a human development understanding, how we bonded with our parents, specifically our mother, form patterns of communication and how we view and address conflict, expectation, intimacy and sensual expression. It molds how deeply we open ourselves to living and loving fully and freely. 

our human design is relational

We are programmed at the DNA level to create deep meaningful bonds with others. Our brains are still evolving from the ancient mechanisms of constant danger. Our instincts have honed through the ages to protect. We may not be constantly defending ourselves from doom, yet we are still wired to weigh potential threats that affect our physical stability and our emotional wellbeing, even those seemingly subtle concerns of insecurity, abandonment, or feeling smothered can inhibit our vulnerability, trust and openness in all the many ways, overt or subtle, that love is expressed or denied on life. 

the love frequency: the master key

Through conscious and introspective practices, you can become receptive to love in all its forms—self-love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude—embracing your potential and unlocking a higher vibrational state. The path of the Modern alchemist, empowers you to live in alignment with your authentic purpose, fostering abundance, joy, and fulfillment. Just as the brain releases chemicals that promote well-being, the Love Frequency draws you inward to find that the love within you, for yourself is a master force of healing and liberation. This inner alchemy aligns you spiritually with universal love, promoting soul level awakening and a sense of interconnectedness with all life.

To Learn More About Love:



Adora’s Book: Detox, Nourish, Activate