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Invoking Mary Magdalene Through Meditation: A Monthly Gathering for Divine Feminine Healing (Virtual)

Mary Magdalene, the embodiment of sacred feminine wisdom, invites you to reclaim your holy birthright. She calls you to heal the wounds of separation, struggle, and forgetting and rise into your divine essence's fullness.

Join us and embark on a transformative journey into the heart of the Divine Feminine through the wisdom and essence of Mary Magdalene. We'll invoke the mystery, power, and profound love of the Magdalene to catalyze deep healing, activation, and remembrance within you.

In this intimate virtual gathering, we'll explore the alchemical teachings and attributes of Mary Magdalene, including:

  • Divine Mysticism

  • Unconditional Love

  • Sacred Sexuality

  • Holy Adoration

  • Surrender

  • Faith

  • Unity Consciousness

  • Co-creational Magic

You'll awaken and embody the Magdalene frequencies within through potent teachings, guided meditations, and alchemical practices. You'll clear ancient patterns of trauma and limitation, ignite your sacred sensuality, and activate your divine gifts. 

As you heal and rise, you contribute to humanity's collective awakening and the restoration of the Divine Feminine on our planet.

This is your invitation to join a global sacred community of awakening hearts, to be held, seen, and supported on your path of Divine Feminine embodiment. Together, we'll create a holy container for transformation, remembrance, and celebration of the Magdalene rising within each of us.

The Details:

  • Recurring every 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00-7:30 pm EST

  • Virtual gathering via Zoom (link provided upon registration)

  • Pre-registration required

  • Guided by Adora Winquist

Reserve your sacred space now and prepare to embark on a life-changing journey of Divine Feminine awakening. 

The Magdalene is calling. Will you answer?

Meet Your Guide:

Adora Winquist is an internationally renowned author, expert, and leader in essential oils and vibrational medicine. She is a pioneer in aromatherapy and energy medicine, with over 30 years of experience in healing and spiritual transformation. Adora intertwines divine feminine wisdom and ancient healing practices with Modern Alchemy and psychospiritual principles to support individuals in transforming trauma and accessing their full potential.

Adora's passion lies in empowering women to awaken to their divine feminine essence and reclaim their sacred power. She has worked with thousands globally to heal core wounds, release limiting patterns, and embody their soul's purpose. Her expertise includes aromatherapy, energy healing, ancestral lineage healing, and activating the power of the womb space.

As the founder of The Soul Institute, Adora offers transformative retreats, workshops, and online programs, including the annual Mary Magdalene Divine Feminine Retreat in France. She is the co-author of Detox, Nourish, Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood, and Love, named one of the most notable books of 2021. With her guidance, individuals experience profound shifts and awaken to their true essence as sacred, sensual, and powerful beings.

Recurring every 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00-7:30 pm EST

Pre-registration required. This event is virtually on zoom.

Please reach out with any questions: