Are you feeling disconnected from your feminine power, your sacred sensuality, your creative essence? 

Do you carry wounds of betrayal, trauma, or emotional pain? Have you been longing to reconnect with the divine feminine wisdom that whispers from within, but feel stuck or unsure of how to access it?

If any of this resonates, you are not alone. For centuries, the sacred power of the womb has been suppressed, distorted, and forgotten. The very portal through which all life emerges has been shrouded in shame, fear, and silence. But now, in this time of great awakening, the holy wisdom of the womb is rising once more, calling us back to our innate wholeness, our primal power, our divine embodiment.

Reclaim the Sacred Power of Your Womb 

Awaken, Anchor & Actualize the Spark of Your Divinity

The Soul Institute is a wisdom school of modern alchemy that unites science and spirituality. Our innovative products, programs, services and retreats that offers ancient alchemical wisdom and healing traditions for a modern, evolving world.

Our platform is open to seekers at all levels of spiritual awakening and inclusive of all those committed to walking the path of self mastery.

Our intention is to inspire and awaken, anchor and actualize the spark of divinity within you. Your unique gifts and the expression of your authentic self is precisely the breath of spirit and change that is needed on the planet - here and now.

be a part of our vision of over 25 million individuals finding, living & thriving in sacred purpose


We Are Your Source for Ancient Alchemical Wisdom with a Modern-Day Twist

Modern Alchemy is an innovative system that serves as the foundation of all our products, services, programs and retreats. This synergy of thought leadership was created by visionary aromatherapist, intuitive healer, and wellness industry icon, Adora Winquist.

Modern alchemy unites spirituality with modern-day science. This philosophy of comprehensive principles and practices is designed to empower your most vibrant holistic well-being and purpose-filled life. The quest of the Modern Alchemist unlocks your golden quintessence: your divine frequency and the unique gifts and talents held within you. This naturally aligns and accelerates your path of self-mastery and a life of deep fulfillment and joy.

Unlock the gold within you: passion, purpose, wisdom, strength & resilience

Modern alchemy is the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern-day practices that unite science and spirituality. It intertwines five pillars to form modern interventions that create greater health and harmony within your mind-body and soul connection in ways that are practical, accessible, and yet profound.

Discover the Five Pillars of Modern Alchemy and how they can empower your quest to decipher the golden potential within you. The five pillars of modern alchemy are essential oils, crystal healing, meditation, practical alchemy and the most important pillar, the Love Frequency.

Whether you are looking to accelerate your spiritual development, expand emotional resilience, transcend trauma and remove generational blocks, the wisdom and practical application of modern alchemy will give you the somatic experience and alchemical tools to uplift, transform and balance yourself from the inside out.

The human spirit is designed to triumph. This power resides within you. Each individual has a unique alchemical formula to unlock this greater potential and empowerment within. The principles and practices of modern alchemy offer you the tools to live and thrive triumphantly in your daily life. Read more about Modern Alchemy. 

The 5 Pillars of Modern Alchemy. What would you like to experience?